As a reference please review Monitoring Agent Migration WorkFlow
- Create a report with Azure VMs still running legacy monitoring agent (MMA)
- Based on the report remove legacy monitoring agent
- Create report via PS:
- 01_MMA_Report.ps1 - is to gather current AVD hosts wich have been monitored via MMA agent and export it to csv file
- Create report via Azure Resource Graph Explorer
- Login to Azure Portal
- In the main search type 'Azure Resource Graph Explorer'
- Login to Azure Portal
- Run the query
| where type == "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
| extend agentversion = properties.agentVersion | project name, agentversion, location, resourceGroup, subscriptionId
Review the report to confirm the list of VMs with MMA agent
02_MMA_Extention_remove.ps1 that script will reference the csv report and remove MMA agent