Numerical Analysis Library contains the supporting Functionality for Numerical Methods - including Rx Solvers, Linear Algebra, and Statistical Measure Distributions.
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- Function => Implementation and Solvers for a Suite of Rx To R1 Functions.
- Measure => Continuous and Discrete Measure Distributions and Variate Evolutions.
- Numerical => Suite of DROP Numerical Analysis Utilities.
- Introduction
- Framework Glossary
- Document Layout
- Framework
- Search Initialization
- Bracketing
- Objective Function Failure
- Bracketing Start Initialization
- Open Search Initialization
- Search/Bracketing Initializer Heuristic Customization
- Numerical Challenges in Search
- Variate Iteration
- Open Search Method: Newton Method
- Closed Search Methods
- Secant
- Bracketing Iterative Search
- Univariate Iterator Primitive: Bisection
- Univariate Iterator Primitive: False Position
- Univariate Iterator Primitive: Inverse Quadratic
- Univariate Iterator Primitive: Ridder
- Univariate compound iterator: Brent and Zheng
- Polynomial Root Search
- Meta-heuristics
- Introduction
- Properties and Classification
- Meta-heuristics Techniques
- Meta-heuristics Techniques in Combinatorial Problems
- Key Meta-heuristics Historical Milestones
- References
- Multivariate Distribution
- Parallels between Vector Calculus and Statistical Distribution Analysis
- Linear Systems Analysis and Transformation
- Matrix Transforms
- Systems of Linear Equations
- Orthogonalization
- Gaussian Elimination
- Rayleigh Quotient Iteration
- Introduction
- The Algorithm
- References
- Power Iteration
- Introduction
- The Method
- Analysis
- Applications
- References
- Sylvester's Formula
- Overview
- Conditions
- Generalization
- References
- Numerical Integration
- Introduction and Overview
- Reasons for Numerical Integration
- Methods for One-Dimensional Integrals
- Quadrature Rules Based on Interpolating Functions
- Generalized Mid-Point Rule Formulation
- Adaptive Algorithms
- Extrapolation Methods
- A Priori Conservative Error Estimation
- Integrals Over Infinite Intervals
- Multi-dimensional Integrals
- Monte Carlo
- Sparse Grids
- Bayesian Quadrature
- Connections to Differential Equations
- References
- Gaussian Quadrature
- Introduction and Overview
- Gauss-Legendre Quadrature
- Change of Interval
- Other Forms
- Fundamental Theorem
- General Formula for the Weights
- Proof that the Weights are Positive
- Computation of Gaussian Quadrature Rules
- Recurrence Relation
- The Golub-Welsch Algorithm
- Error Estimates
- Gauss-Kronrod Rules
- Gauss-Lobatto Rules
- References
- Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature
- Introduction and Overview
- Description
- Example
- Implementation
- References
- Gamma Distribution
- Overview
- Gamma Measures - Central Distribution Table
- Definitions
- Characterization Using Shape 𝜶 and Rate 𝜷
- Characterization using Shape 𝒌 and Scale 𝜽
- Properties – Skewness
- Properties – Median Calculation
- Properties – Summation
- Properties – Scaling
- Properties – Exponential Family
- Properties – Logarithmic Expectation and Variance
- Properties – Information Entropy
- Properties – Kullback-Liebler Divergence
- Properties – Laplace Transform
- Related Distributions – General
- Properties – Compound Gamma
- Statistical Inference – Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation
- Closed-Form Estimators
- Bayesian Minimum Mean-Squared Error
- Bayesian Inference Conjugate Prior
- Occurrence and Applications
- Computational Methods – Generating Gamma Distributed Random Variables
- References
- Chi Square Distribution
- Overview
- Definition
- Introduction
- Probability Density Function
- Cumulative Distribution Function
- Additivity
- Sample Mean
- Entropy
- Non-central Moments
- Asymptotic Properties
- Cumulants
- Relation to Other Distributions
- Generalizations
- Linear Combinations
- Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution
- Generalized Chi-Squared Distribution
- Gamma, Exponential, and Related Distribution
- Occurrence and Applications
- Table of χ^2 Values vs. p-Values
- Summary Expressions
- References
- Non-central Chi-Square Distribution
- Overview
- Background
- Non-central Chi-Square Distribution Table
- Definition
- Properties – Moment Generating Function
- Properties – Moments
- Cumulative Distribution Function
- Approximation – including for Quantiles
- Derivation of the PDF
- Related Distributions
- Transformations
- Use in Tolerance Intervals
- References
- Exponential Distribution
- Overview
- Definitions
- Probability Density Function
- Cumulative Distribution Function
- Alternative Parameterization
- Properties
- Mean, Variance, Moments, and Median
- Memorylessness Property of Exponential Random Variable
- Quantiles
- Conditional Value at Risk (Expected Shortfall)
- Buffered Probability of Exceedance (bPOE)
- Kullback-Leibler Divergence
- Maximum Entropy Distribution
- Distribution of the Minimum of Exponential Random Variables
- Joint Moments of i.i.d. Exponential Order Statistics
- Sum of Two Independent Exponential Random Variables
- Related Distributions
- Statistical Inference
- Parameter Estimation
- Fisher Information
- Confidence Intervals
- Bayesian Inference
- Occurrence and Applications
- Occurrence of Events
- Prediction
- Random Variate Generation
- References
- Householder Transformation
- Overview
- Definition
- Transformation
- Householder Matrix
- Properties
- Applications
- Numerical Linear Algebra
- QR Decomposition
- Tridiagonalization
- Examples
- Numerical Linear Algebra
- Computational and Theoretical Relationship to other Unitary Transformations
- References
- The Householder Transformation in Numerical Linear Algebra
- Abstract
- Linear Algebra
- Geometric Meanings of the Determinant and Matrix Norm
- Computation of Determinants
- Computation of Matrix Inverses
- Error Propagation
- Gaussian Elimination
- Row Reduction using Gaussian Elimination
- Gaussian Elimination without Pivoting
- Gaussian Elimination with Pivoting
- Householder Transformations
- Geometric Construction
- Construction with Specified Source and Destination
- Properties of Q, Algebraically Obtained
- Properties of Q, Geometrically Obtained
- Repeated Householders for Upper-Triangularization
- Householders for Column-zeroing
- Computation of Determinants
- Computation of Matrix Inverses
- Rotation Matrices
- References
- Hilbert Space
- Overview
- Definition and Illustration
- Motivating Example: Euclidean Vector Space
- Definition
- Second Example: Sequence Spaces
- Examples
- Lebesgue Spaces
- Sobolev Spaces
- Spaces of Holomorphic Functions
- Hardy Spaces
- Bergman Spaces
- Applications
- Sturm-Liouville Theory
- Partial Differential Equations
- Ergodic Theory
- Fourier Analysis
- Quantum Mechanics
- Color Perception
- Properties
- Pythagorean Identity
- Parallelogram Identity and Polarization
- Best Approximation
- Duality
- Weakly-convergent Sequences
- Banach Space Properties
- Operators on Hilbert Spaces
- Bounded Operators
- Unbounded Operators
- Constructions
- Direct Sums
- Tensor Products
- Orthonormal Bases
- Sequence Spaces
- Bessel's Inequality and Parseval's Formula
- Hilbert Dimension
- Separable Spaces
- Orthogonal Complements and Projections
- Spectral Theory
- References
- Positive-definite Kernel
- Definition
- Some General Properties
- Examples of Positive-definite Kernels
- Connection with Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and Feature Maps
- Kernels and Distances
- Some Applications
- Kernels in Machine Learning
- Kernels in Probabilistic Models
- Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
- Other Applications
- References
- Definition
- Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
- Overview
- Definition
- Example
- Moore-Aronszajn Theorem
- Integral Operator's and Mercer's Theorem
- Featur Maps
- Properties
- Common Examples
- Bilinear Kernels
- Polynomial Kernels
- Radial Basis Function Kernels
- Gaussian or Squared Exponential Kernel
- Laplacian Kernel
- Bergman Kernels
- Extension to Vector-valued Functions
- Connection between RKHS and ReLU Function
- References
- Representer Theorem
- Overview
- Formal Statement
- Generalizations
- Applications
- References
- Kernel Methods
- Overview
- Motivation and Informal Explanation
- Mathematics: The Kernel Trick
- Applications
- References
- Successive Over-relaxation
- Introduction
- Formulation
- Convergence
- Convergence Rate
- Algorithm
- Symmetric Successive Over-relaxation
- Other Applications of the Method
- References
- Symmetric Successive Over-relaxation
- References
- Tridiagonal matrix algorithm
- Introduction
- Derivation
- Variants
- References
- Crank–Nicolson Method
- Introduction
- Principle
- Example: 1D Diffusion
- Example: 1D Diffusion with advection for steady flow, with multiple channel connections
- Example: 2D Diffusion
- Crank–Nicolson for nonlinear problems
- Application in financial mathematics
- References
- Sylvester Equation
- Existence and uniqueness of the solutions
- Roth's removal rule
- Numerical solutions
- References
- Bartels–Stewart Algorithm
- Introduction
- The Algorithm
- Computational Cost
- Simplifications and Special Cases
- The Hessenberg–Schur algorithm
- References
- Triangular Matrix
- Description
- Forward and Back Substitution
- Forward Substitution
- Properties
- Special Forms
- Unitriangular Matrix
- Strictly Triangular Matrix
- Atomic Triangular Matrix
- Lower Block Triangular Matrix
- Upper Block Triangular Matrix
- Triangularizability
- Simultaneous Triangularizability
- Algebras of Triangular Matrices
- Borel Subgroups and Borel Subalgebras
- Examples
- References
- QR Decomposition
- Introduction
- Cases and Definitions
- Square Matrix
- Rectangular Matrix
- QL, RQ and LQ Decompositions
- Computing the QR Decomposition
- Using the Gram–Schmidt Process
- Example
- Relation to RQ decomposition
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Using Householder Reflections
- Example
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Using Givens Rotations
- Example
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Connection to a Determinant or Product of Eigenvalues
- Column Pivoting
- Using for Solution to Linear Inverse Problems
- Generalizations
- References
- Using the Gram–Schmidt Process
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