This file outlines how to publish a new release to Maven Central.
You will need the Cojen GPG key and passphrase to continue. Contact @jesterpm or @broneill to obtain them.
You will need an account with Sonatype Nexus. You can create that here. Contact @jesterpm or @broneill for access to the Cojen repository.
Increment the version number appropriately. Use Semantic Versioning.
VERSION=2.2.5 mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$VERSION
Verify the release and make sure all is well.
mvn clean verify -P release
Commit and tag the latest release.
git commit -am "Release $VERSION" git tag -a v$VERSION -m "Release $VERSION"
Deploy to Sonatype:
mvn clean deploy -P release
Push commit and tag to GitHub
git push origin master git push origin v$VERSION