If you want to contribute to this project, you are very welcome ;) This documentation file will introduce you the "dev-cycle" of PHP MarkdownExtended.
A bug is a demonstrable problem caused by the code (and not due to a special user behaviour). Bugs are inevitable and exist in all software. If you find one and want to transmit it, first it is very helpful as it will participate to build a robust software.
But ... a bug report is helpful as long as it can be understood, reproduced, and that it permits to identify the error (and what caused it). A good bug report MUST follow these guidelines:
- first: search in the issue tracker if your bug has not been transmitted yet ; if you find an existing one, you can add a new comment to the appropriate thread with your experience if it seems different from the others ;
- then: check if it exists right now: try to reproduce it with the current code to confirm it still exists ;
- if you finally create a bug ticket, try to detail it as much as possible:
- what is your environment (application version, OS, device ...)?
- describe and comment the steps that brought you to that bug
- try to isolate the problem as much as possible
- what did you expect?
If you want to ask for a new feature, please follow these guidelines:
- the goal of this project is to be (and keep) relevant for a large public ; maybe your request is quite personal (you have a particular need) and can be discussed with me by email ; in this case please do not make a feature request (!)
- if you think something is missing or have an idea to increase one of PHP MarkdownExtended's features, then you are ready for a "feature request" ; you can create an issue ticket beginning its name by "feature request: " ; please detail your request or your idea as much as possible, with a lot of your experience.
You can find a developer documenatation in the file doc/Development-HOWTO.md.
If you have questions, you can (eventually) contact me at me [at] picas [dot] fr.