This is a guide on how to release a new version of mev-boost:
- Best days to release a new version are Monday to Wednesday. Never release on a Friday.
- Release only with another person present (four eyes principle)
- Double-check the current build
- Prepare a release candidate (RC)
- Test the RC on testnets with the help of node operators
- Collect code signoffs
- Release
First of all, check that the git repository is in the final state, and all the tests and checks are running fine
Test the current
make lint
make test-race
go mod tidy
git status # should be no changes
# Start mev-boost with relay check and -relays
go run . -mainnet -relay-check -min-bid 0.12345 -debug -relays,,,
# Start mev-boost with relay check and multiple -relay flags
go run . -mainnet -relay-check -debug -min-bid 0.12345 \
-relay \
-relay \
-relay \
# Call the status endpoint
curl localhost:18550/eth/v1/builder/status
For example, creating a new release v1.9
- Create a GitHub issue about the upcoming release (example)
- Create a release branch:
(note: use the target version as branch name, don't add the-alpha
suffix) - Tag an alpha version:
- Test in testnets, iterate as needed, create more alpha versions if needed
- When tests are complete, create the final tag and release
# create a new branch
git checkout -b release/v1.9
# set and commit the correct version as described below, and create a signed tag
vim config/vars.go
git commit -am "v1.9-alpha1"
git tag -s v1.9-alpha1 # without a tag, the Docker image would include the wrong version number
# now push to Github (CI will build the Docker image:
git push origin --tags
# other parties can now test the release candidate from Docker like this:
docker pull flashbots/mev-boost:v1.9a1
- Reach out to node operators to help test this release
- Collect their sign-off for the release
- Reach out to the parties that have reviewed the PRs and ask for a sign-off on the release
- For possible reviewers, take a look at recent contributors
- Always have two people preparing and publishing the final release
To create a new version (with tag), follow all these steps! They are necessary to have the correct build version inside, and work with go install
- In the release branch
- Update
to final version tov1.9
, and commit - Create final tags, both semver and pep440:
git tag -s v1.9
git tag -s v1.9.0
- Update the
branch:git checkout stable
git merge tags/v1.9 --ff-only
(ff-only is important, otherwise git doesn't know the stable branch is based off the v1.9 tag!)
- Update the
branch:git checkout develop
git merge tags/v1.9 --ff-only
- Update
to next patch withdev
suffix (e.g.v1.10-dev
) and commit todevelop
branch - Now push the
branches, as well as the tag:git push origin develop stable --tags
Now check the GitHub CI actions for release activity:
- CI builds and pushes the Docker image, and prepares a new draft release in
- Open it and prepare the release:
- generate the description
- review
- add signoffs and testing
- add usage (
mev-boost -help
) - publish