🔨 Add specific notes here about content style guides or how contributors can work together to update content on your site.
In production (GitHub Actions), environment is setup by by workflows in .github/workflows/.
For local testing (try VS Code + Dev Containers extension, Podman Desktop), these steps are performed by .devcontainer/ when you run Reopen in Container.
Install Ruby (use version in build-test-deploy.yml in "Setup Ruby", (try rbenv)
Install Jekyll
gem update --system gem install bundler bundle install
Install Node & yarn, use version in build-test-deploy.yml in "Setup Node.js", (try nvm)
nvm install --lts --reinstall-packages-from=current nvm use --lts yarn install
Build the HTML website (see available localhost:#### port in the console output):
bundle exec jekyll build
bundle exec jekyll serve
To live reload changes use:
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
You can run PHP or similar on the built site. Here's how.
(cd build; php -S localhost:4001)
All testing is performed using Node scripts:
yarn test
Open this folder in VS Code and install recommended extensions. Then use "Reload Window" to activate them.
This will give you formatting, linting, and other tools to help you develop.