These are the dotfiles that it back up here
use stow
to install the path one path above eg. ~/dotfiles/nvim/.config/... -> ~/.config/...- : select window in direction
- Tab/S-Tab: navigate dropdown
- J/K: in visualmode Zeile verschieben
- F5: Open/Close Undotree
- F9: invoke makefile
- leader +
- h/l: select next tab
- n: open nerdtree
- y: yank to clipboard
- x: make current file chmod +x
- /: find replace all instances of hovered word in buffer
- tr: open terminal on the right
- tu: open terminal underneath
- a: autoformat
- ff: fuzzyfind all git-tracked files
- fg: fuzzyfind grep current buffer
- fh: fuzzyfind all help_tags
- ww: add file to harpoon
- we: open harpoon menu
- 1/2/3/4: harpoon file x
- gg: git
- m: everything vimtex
- ml: tex-compile
- mv: texpreview
- c: coc-codeaction
- pr: run python code
- gr: run go code
- gd: open go-doc
- gs: go to go-def
- gt: go to type definition
- gi: go to implementation
- rr: rust-run
- Catch all Runner logic
- expand dot folders for stows option "--dotfiles"
- Plugs to consider:
- subsitute coc for tree-sitter