RNeo4j is Neo4j's R driver. It allows you to read and write data from / to Neo4j directly from your R environment.
- Install
- Connect
- Nodes
- Relationships
- Cypher
- Shortest Paths
- Weighted Shortest Paths
- Graph Algorithms
- Visualizations
- Import
- Connection Issues
- Contribute
First and foremost, download Neo4j!
If you're on Windows, download the .exe
and follow the instructions. You'll get a GUI where you simply press "Start" to start Neo4j.
If you're on OS X, you can download either the .dmg
or the .tar.gz
. The .dmg
will give you a GUI where you simply press "Start" to start Neo4j. Otherwise, download the .tar.gz
, unzip, navigate to the directory and execute ./bin/neo4j start
If you're on Linux, you have to use the .tar.gz
. Download the .tar.gz
, unzip, navigate to the directory and execute ./bin/neo4j start
You may also find neo4j in your distribution's package manager.
These depencies are are only required if you want to use the Bolt interface.
They must be present at build time, and libneo4j-client
must also be present at runtime.
- Rust: https://rustup.rs
- Clang: binary releases are available at http://releases.llvm.org/download.html
- libneo4j-client:
- Make sure you have RTools installed (necessary for building R packages on Windows)
- Open your MinGW shell (check in start menu,
, andC:\MinGW\bin
) - See "Installing libneo4j-from source" section
- Rust:
brew install rust
(or https://rustup.rs but see "Rust Path" section) - Clang:
brew install llvm
- libneo4j-client:
brew install cleishm/neo4j/libneo4j-client
- Rust:
- Debian based (e.g. Mint, Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install cargo
- Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S rust
- Building from source: https://rustup.rs but see "Rust Path" section
- Debian based (e.g. Mint, Ubuntu):
- Clang: get it from your package manager
- Debian based (e.g. Mint, Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install clang libclang-dev
- Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S clang
- Other: your package manager almost certainly has
. It may be calledllvm
- Debian based (e.g. Mint, Ubuntu):
- libneo4j-client:
- Debian based:
sudo apt-get install libneo4j-client-dev
- Other: See "Installing libneo4j-client from source"
- Debian based:
By default, on *nix systems (such as Linux and OS X), rustup only sets the PATH in your shell. That means that if you try to build RNeo4j in a GUI application like RStudio, it may fail. To work around this issue, simply build RNeo4j in a terminal.
Newer versions of GCC require removing the -Werror
in configure.ac
Run these commands in your shell:
git clone https://github.com/cleishm/libneo4j-client
cd libneo4j-client
./configure --disable-tools
sudo make install
See https://github.com/cleishm/libneo4j-client for more details
Go to the latest release and download the source code. You can then install with install.packages
install.packages("/path/to/file.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")
graph = startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
If you have authentication enabled, pass your username and password.
graph = startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/", username="neo4j", password="password")
nicole = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Nicole", age=24)
greta = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Greta", age=24)
kenny = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Kenny", age=27)
shannon = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Shannon", age=23)
r1 = createRel(greta, "LIKES", nicole, weight=7)
r2 = createRel(nicole, "LIKES", kenny, weight=1)
r3 = createRel(kenny, "LIKES", shannon, weight=3)
r4 = createRel(nicole, "LIKES", shannon, weight=5)
If you're returning tabular results, use cypher
, which will give you a data.frame
query = "
MATCH (nicole:Person)-[r:LIKES]->(p:Person)
WHERE nicole.name = 'Nicole'
RETURN nicole.name, r.weight, p.name
cypher(graph, query)
## nicole.name r.weight p.name
## 1 Nicole 5 Shannon
## 2 Nicole 1 Kenny
For anything more complicated, use cypherToList
, which will give you a list
query = "
MATCH (nicole:Person)-[:LIKES]->(p:Person)
WHERE nicole.name = 'Nicole'
RETURN nicole, COLLECT(p.name) AS friends
cypherToList(graph, query)
## [[1]]
## [[1]]$nicole
## < Node >
## Person
## $name
## [1] "Nicole"
## $age
## [1] 24
## [[1]]$friends
## [[1]]$friends[[1]]
## [1] "Shannon"
## [[1]]$friends[[2]]
## [1] "Kenny"
Both cypher
and cypherToList
accept parameters. These parameters can be passed individually or as a list.
query = "
MATCH (p1:Person)-[r:LIKES]->(p2:Person)
WHERE p1.name = {name1} AND p2.name = {name2}
RETURN p1.name, r.weight, p2.name
cypher(graph, query, name1="Nicole", name2="Shannon")
## p1.name r.weight p2.name
## 1 Nicole 5 Shannon
cypher(graph, query, list(name1="Nicole", name2="Shannon"))
## p1.name r.weight p2.name
## 1 Nicole 5 Shannon
p = shortestPath(greta, "LIKES", shannon, max_depth=4)
n = nodes(p)
sapply(n, "[[", "name")
## [1] "Greta" "Nicole" "Shannon"
p = shortestPath(greta, "LIKES", shannon, max_depth=4, cost_property="weight")
n = nodes(p)
sapply(n, "[[", "name")
## [1] "Greta" "Nicole" "Kenny" "Shannon"
## [1] 11
query = "
MATCH (n)-->(m)
RETURN n.name, m.name
edgelist = cypher(graph, query)
ig = graph.data.frame(edgelist, directed=F)
## Nicole Greta Kenny Shannon
## 2 0 0 0
## Nicole Greta Kenny Shannon
## 0.3333333 0.2000000 0.2500000 0.2500000
net = network(edgelist)
ggnet(net, label.nodes=TRUE)
Read this blog post and check out this slide deck.
hflights = hflights[sample(nrow(hflights), 1000), ]
row.names(hflights) = NULL
## Year Month DayofMonth DayOfWeek DepTime ArrTime UniqueCarrier FlightNum
## 1 2011 1 15 6 927 1038 XE 2885
## 2 2011 10 10 1 2001 2322 XE 4243
## 3 2011 6 15 3 1853 2108 CO 670
## 4 2011 4 10 7 2100 102 CO 410
## 5 2011 1 25 2 739 1016 XE 3083
## 6 2011 9 13 2 1745 1841 CO 1204
## TailNum ActualElapsedTime AirTime ArrDelay DepDelay Origin Dest Distance
## 1 N34110 131 113 -10 -3 IAH COS 809
## 2 N13970 141 127 2 19 IAH CMH 986
## 3 N36207 255 231 15 -2 IAH SFO 1635
## 4 N76517 182 162 -18 5 IAH EWR 1400
## 5 N12922 157 128 0 -6 IAH MKE 984
## 6 N35271 56 34 -7 -5 IAH SAT 191
## TaxiIn TaxiOut Cancelled CancellationCode Diverted
## 1 6 12 0 0
## 2 4 10 0 0
## 3 5 19 0 0
## 4 7 13 0 0
## 5 4 25 0 0
## 6 3 19 0 0
addConstraint(graph, "Carrier", "name")
addConstraint(graph, "Airport", "name")
query = "
CREATE (flight:Flight {number: {FlightNum} })
SET flight.year = TOINT({Year}),
flight.month = TOINT({DayofMonth}),
flight.day = TOINT({DayOfWeek})
MERGE (carrier:Carrier {name: {UniqueCarrier} })
CREATE (flight)-[:OPERATED_BY]->(carrier)
MERGE (origin:Airport {name: {Origin} })
MERGE (dest:Airport {name: {Dest} })
CREATE (flight)-[o:ORIGIN]->(origin)
CREATE (flight)-[d:DESTINATION]->(dest)
SET o.delay = TOINT({DepDelay}),
o.taxi_time = TOINT({TaxiOut})
SET d.delay = TOINT({ArrDelay}),
d.taxi_time = TOINT({TaxiIn})
tx = newTransaction(graph)
for(i in 1:nrow(hflights)) {
row = hflights[i, ]
appendCypher(tx, query,
## This To That
## 1 Flight OPERATED_BY Carrier
## 2 Flight ORIGIN Airport
## 3 Flight DESTINATION Airport
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
Couldn't connect to server
Neo4j probably isn't running. Make sure Neo4j is running first. It's also possible you have localhost resolution issues; try connecting to
Error: client error: (401) Unauthorized
No authorization header supplied.
You have auth enabled on Neo4j and either didn't provide your username and password or they were invalid. You can pass a username and password to startGraph
graph = startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/", username="neo4j", password="password")
You can also disable auth by editing the following line in conf/neo4j-server.properties
# Require (or disable the requirement of) auth to access Neo4j
Check out the contributing doc if you'd like to contribute!