Welcome to the Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms using C & C++ GitHub repository! This repository is designed for learners and developers who want to master advanced data structures and algorithms, leveraging the power of C and C++. It provides in-depth explanations, optimized implementations, and real-world problem-solving strategies to strengthen your understanding and enhance your coding skills. Course Overview:
This repository covers advanced concepts in data structures and algorithms, focusing on efficiency, complexity analysis, and best practices in C and C++. Each module contains detailed explanations, sample code, and challenges to help you apply what you've learned. Key Topics Covered:
Advanced Data Structures: Trees: AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, Segment Trees, B-Trees Heaps: Min/Max Heap, Fibonacci Heap, Binomial Heap Graphs: Adjacency List/Matrix, Directed & Undirected Graphs, Graph Traversals (BFS/DFS) Hashing: Hash Tables, Collision Handling, Custom Hash Functions Trie: Implementing and using Tries for efficient string operations
Algorithms: Sorting Algorithms: Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Counting Sort, Radix Sort Graph Algorithms: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, Prim’s and Kruskal’s MST Dynamic Programming: Memoization, Tabulation, Advanced Problems (Longest Path, Subsequence) Greedy Algorithms: Huffman Coding, Activity Selection, Knapsack Problems Backtracking: N-Queens, Subset Sum, Graph Coloring
Complexity Analysis: Time and Space Complexity Amortized Analysis Optimizing code performance
Advanced Topics: Disjoint Set Union (Union-Find): Path Compression, Union by Rank Segment Trees and Fenwick Trees: Range Queries, Lazy Propagation Bit Manipulation: Tricks and optimizations for efficient computations