GoProxy is a lightweight proxy server built in Go, designed to block incoming requests based on IP address, headers, or query parameters. It provides an easy-to-use CLI to manage blocking rules and acts as a secure gateway to your backend services.
- Block requests by IP address.
- Block requests based on headers or query parameters (extendable).
- Simple CLI to manage block rules dynamically.
- Transparent proxying to your backend.
- Go installed on your system (version 1.18 or higher recommended).
To start the proxy server, run the following command:
go run ./cmd/server <BACKEND_URL>
: The URL of the backend service to which requests will be proxied.
go run ./cmd/server
By default, the proxy listens on http://localhost:8080.
To block an IP address from accessing the proxy, use the following command:
go run ./cmd/cli block <IP_ADDRESS>
go run ./cmd/cli block ::1
The specified IP will no longer be able to send requests through the proxy.