While mruby code is nearly identical to ruby code, an mruby project works much differently than a ruby project in terms of project structure, code reuse, and code loading.
mruby has no require
method, so mruby projects tend to put all of their
ruby code into a single .rb file. This means that splitting ruby code into
lib/ bin/ test/ (etc) is not easily or typically performed. The mruby
methodology is to rebuild the mruby interpreter with mgems built in. This
acts like lib/ in a standard ruby project. Once the mruby interpreter is
rebuilt with the desired lib/ functionality (via mgems), it can accept a
single .rb file on the command line, where that .rb file can act like a
"script" or "driver".
Mgems are roughly similar to gems in the MRI world, but they behave differently, mostly in that mgems are incorporated at build time whereas (MRI) gems are incorporated at run time.
Write a hello_world.rb file that calls Sleep.sleep
. mruby does not have any
sleep built in. In order to sleep, we need the
mruby-sleep mgem.
What follows is a step by step procedure to accomplish and demonstrate the objective. As mruby is heavily C-based, there is a great deal of flexibility for how to set up an mruby project, and many ways to set up a project that seem correct but do not behave as expected. What follows is one way to do it that should make sense and behave as expected for those with much more Ruby experience than C. It is not necessarily the best or recommended way, and this procedure may improve over time.
- Linux
- gcc
- ruby (MRI)
- ruby-install
$ ruby-install mruby
By default, the mruby source will live at e.g. ~/src/mruby-1.3.0
Confirm this location, and then do something like
$ MRUBY_SRC=~/src/mruby-1.3.0
$ PROJ_DIR=~/mruby/sleep_world
$ mkdir -p $PROJ_DIR
$ cd $PROJ_DIR
$ echo "puts :hello_world" > hello_world.rb
$ $MRUBY_SRC/bin/mruby hello_world.rb
$ echo "Sleep.sleep 1" >> hello_world.rb
$ $MRUBY_SRC/bin/mruby hello_world.rb
[0] hello_world.rb:2
hello_world.rb:2:uninitialized constant Sleep (NameError)
In order to call Sleep.sleep
, we need to "load" that functionality.
In the mruby world, this is done by rebuilding the mruby interpreter itself
with additional mgems.
$ cd $PROJ_DIR
$ cat <<EOF > build_config.rb
puts "BUILD CONFIG: #{__FILE__}"
MRuby::Build.new do |conf|
toolchain :gcc
conf.gem git: 'https://github.com/matsumotory/mruby-sleep'
conf.gem "#{root}/mrbgems/mruby-bin-mruby"
conf.gembox 'default'
$ export MRUBY_CONFIG=$PROJ_DIR/build_config.rb
$ ./minirake deep_clean
$ ./minirake
Confirm that you see "BUILD CONFIG: path/to/build_config.rb" near the top of the output.
$ cd $PROJ_DIR
$ $MRUBY_SRC/bin/mruby hello_world.rb
You should notice that the program goes to sleep for one second before exiting.
Rather than manipulating the contents of $MRUBY_SRC, we can copy the mruby source tree into $PROJ_DIR and keep $MRUBY_SRC pristine.
$ cd $PROJ_DIR
$ cp -R $MRUBY_SRC mruby_src
$ cd mruby_src
$ ./minirake deep_clean
$ ./minirake
$ cd ..
$ mruby_src/bin/mruby hello_world.rb