abidoc - application binary interface (abi) documentation generator for Ethereum & Co. (blockchain) contracts
- home :: github.com/rubycocos/blockchain
- bugs :: github.com/rubycocos/blockchain/issues
- gem :: rubygems.org/gems/abidoc
- rdoc :: rubydoc.info/gems/abidoc
Let's try to generate the contract abi docs for punks v1 (anno 2017):
require 'abidoc'
punks_v1 = '0x6ba6f2207e343923ba692e5cae646fb0f566db8d'
abi = ABI.read( "./abis/#{punks_v1}.json" )
buf = abi.generate_doc( title: 'Contract ABI for Punks V1' )
write_text( "./o/punks_v1.md", buf )
resulting in:
- constructor()
1 Payable Function(s)
- function buyPunk(uint256 punkIndex) payable
7 Transact Functions(s)
- function reservePunksForOwner(uint256 maxForThisRun)
- function withdraw()
- function transferPunk(address to, uint256 punkIndex)
- function offerPunkForSaleToAddress(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei, address toAddress)
- function offerPunkForSale(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei)
- function getPunk(uint256 punkIndex)
- function punkNoLongerForSale(uint256 punkIndex)
14 Query Functions(s)
- function name() ⇒ (string _) readonly
- function punksOfferedForSale(uint256 _) ⇒ (bool isForSale, uint256 punkIndex, address seller, uint256 minValue, address onlySellTo) readonly
- function totalSupply() ⇒ (uint256 _) readonly
- function decimals() ⇒ (uint8 _) readonly
- function imageHash() ⇒ (string _) readonly
- function nextPunkIndexToAssign() ⇒ (uint256 _) readonly
- function punkIndexToAddress(uint256 _) ⇒ (address _) readonly
- function standard() ⇒ (string _) readonly
- function balanceOf(address _) ⇒ (uint256 _) readonly
- function symbol() ⇒ (string _) readonly
- function numberOfPunksToReserve() ⇒ (uint256 _) readonly
- function numberOfPunksReserved() ⇒ (uint256 _) readonly
- function punksRemainingToAssign() ⇒ (uint256 _) readonly
- function pendingWithdrawals(address _) ⇒ (uint256 _) readonly
Let's try to generate the contract abi docs for punk blocks (anno 2022):
punk_blocks = '0x58e90596c2065befd3060767736c829c18f3474c'
abi = ABI.read( "./address/#{punk_blocks}.json" )
buf = abi.generate_doc( title: 'Contract ABI for Punk Blocks' )
write_text( "./punk_blocks.md", buf )
resulting in:
- constructor()
1 Transact Functions(s)
- function registerBlock(bytes _dataMale, bytes _dataFemale, uint8 _layer, string _name)
8 Query Functions(s)
- function blocks(bytes32 _) ⇒ (uint8 layer, bytes dataMale, bytes dataFemale) readonly
- function getBlocks(uint256 _fromID, uint256 _count) ⇒ (tuple[] _, uint256 _) readonly
- function index(uint256 _) ⇒ (bytes32 _) readonly
- function nextId() ⇒ (uint256 _) readonly
- function svgFromIDs(uint256[] _ids) ⇒ (string _) readonly
- function svgFromKeys(bytes32[] _attributeKeys) ⇒ (string _) readonly
- function svgFromNames(string[] _attributeNames) ⇒ (string _) readonly
- function svgFromPunkID(uint256 _tokenID) ⇒ (string _) readonly
and so on.
See the Awesome (Ethereum) Contracts / Blockchain Services @ Open Blockchains repo. that is a cache of (ethereum) contract ABIs (application binary interfaces) and open source code (if verified / available) with auto-generated docs via abidoc & friends.
The scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Post them on the D.I.Y. Punk (Pixel) Art reddit. Thanks.