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On Generalization in Coreference Resolution

Code for the CRAC 2021 paper On Generalization in Coreference Resolution. This paper extends our work from the EMNLP 2020 paper Learning to Ignore: Long Document Coreference with Bounded Memory Neural Networks.

June 2022: Performace has improved!!

Our current model gets 80.9 F-score for OntoNotes (80.6 reported in the paper), 80.2 F-score for LitBank (79.3 reported in the paper), and 88.3 F-score for PreCo (up from 87.8 reported in the paper).

Why are we getting these gains?
Well pretty much all of this gain can be attributed to this issue. I, like many others, had carried forward the Kenton Lee codebase where the spans (due to the choice of ElMo as an encoder) were always restricted to word boundaries. Interestingly, while porting the code to the new era of subword tokenization based encoders, we didn't constrain the mention detector to respect word boundaries. By the end of the training, the model rarely makes these word boundary mistakes (it can which is why the above referenced issue was raised) but it does have to deal with a lot of noisy mentions in the mention proposal stage. By simply adding the constraint of word boundaries, there's a significant reduction in the number of candidate mentions which ultimately leads to higher overall performance.


  • Support for joint training and evaluation on eight popular coreference datasets.
  • Mention proposal module filters mentions based on span-score rather than as a function of document length. In practice, this leads to a minor reduction in mention recall at the cost of significant increase in precision i.e. less noisy mentions get filtered through.
  • Inference is done in an online-fashion, one document encoder chunk (4096 tokens for LongFormer) at a time. Thus, this inference can scale to very long documents.
  • Support for training with pseudo-singletons.
  • Switched document encoder from SpanBERT to LongFormer.
  • Using Hydra for configs.


  • Pretrained models are released here.
  • Processed data for Character Identification, GAP, LitBank, QuizBowl, WikiCoref, and WSC is available here.
  • The fine-tuned document encoders are separately released on huggingface.
  • Checkout the Colab Notebook for a demo on how to perform inference with the pretrained models.

Environment Setup

Install Requirements

The codebase has been tested for:


These are the core requirements which can be separately installed or just run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone a few Github Repos (including this!)

# Clone this repo
git clone

# Create a coref resources directory which contains the official 
# scorers and the data
mkdir coref_resources; cd coref_resources/
git clone

# Create data subdirectory in the resources directory
mkdir data

Data Preparation

cd fast-coref/src

# Demonstrating the data preparation step for QuizBowl.
# Here we point to the CoNLL directory extracted from the original data
# Output directory is created in the parent directory i.e. 
# ../../coref_resources/data/quizbowl/longformer
python data_processing/ ../../coref_resources/data/quizbowl/conll
  • Processed data for Character Identification, GAP, LitBank, QuizBowl, WikiCoref, and WSC is available here.
  • OntoNotes is a proprietary dataset and Preco is large. Please run the corresponding scripts to process these datasets. For OntoNotes we're sharing the pseudo-singletons in its namesake directory.


The config files are located in src/conf.
All the experiment configs are located in src/conf/experiment subdirectory.

Path strings are limited to the experiment configs and the main src/conf/config.yaml file. These paths can be manually edited, or overriden via command line.

The default configs correspond to the configs used for training the models reported in the CRAC paper. All models are trained for a maximum of 100K steps.

The only exception is PreCo (Wandb log) where we experimented with more training steps (150K instead of 100K). But even there, the best validation performance is obtained at 60K steps and the training stops at 110K (after 10 evals without improvement).

Training and Inference

cd fast-coref/src


Here are a few training commands I've used.

Joint training with wandb logging

python experiment=joint use_wandb=True

LitBank training without label smoothing

python experiment=litbank trainer.label_smoothing_wt=0.0

OntoNotes training with pseudo-singletons and longformer-base

python experiment=ontonotes_pseudo model/doc_encoder/transformer=longformer_base

LitBank training with bounded memory model (memory size 20)

python experiment=litbank model/memory/mem_type=learned model.memory.mem_type.max_ents=20

The model is saved in two parts. The document encoder and all the remaining parametes are saved separately. The document encoder can then be easily uploaded to Huggingface.


Inference on OntoNotes with model trained on OntoNotes

python experiment=ontonotes_pseudo train=False

This is the most common use case where the training and inference domain are the same. The inference is automatically carried out whenever the training ends. The above command is useful if the inference needs to be done at some intermediate step.

Inference on OntoNotes evaluation dataset with the jointly trained model

python experiment=ontonotes_pseudo paths.model_dir=../models/joint_best/ train=False

Evaluate all the datasets + Use the huggingface uploaded document encoder

python experiment=eval_all paths.model_dir=../models/check_ontonotes/ model/doc_encoder/transformer=longformer_ontonotes override_encoder=True

The longformer_ontonotes model corresponds to the shtoshni/longformer_coreference_ontonotes encoder uploaded by us.


Why this repository name?

Marketing, Self-boasting There are three-fold reasons for this:

  • Compared to the popular mention-ranking paradigm, entity-ranking models compare a mention to previous entities rather than all previous mentions. Avereage cluster sizes in typical datasets is 3-4 mentions per cluster, implying a 3-4x reduction in such ranking comparisons. Note that the speedup won't be 3-4x since the runtime is dominated by document encoders.
  • The mention proposal module in previous work (Lee et al. 2017, 18) works on a high-recall principle i.e. the module filters through a lot of noisy mentions which the clustering module has to deal with (for OntoNotes, the clustering module classifies them as singletons which don't account for performance evaluation). The model implemented in this repo uses a high-precision mention proposal module. Thus, the clustering module has to cluster fewer mentions which again improves speed.
  • The bounded memory models are faster than their unbounded memory counterparts for long documents, say a few thousand words, and a small memory size, say 20.

There are a lot of engineering hacks such as lower precision models, better implementation choices, etc., which can further improve the model's speed.

Why Hydra for configs?

It took me a few days to get a hang of Hydra but I highly recommend Hydra for maintaining configs. A few selling points of Hydra which made me persist:

  • Clear demarkation between model config, training config, etc.,
  • Compositionality as a first citizen
  • Ability to override configs from command line


    title = {{On Generalization in Coreference Resolution}},
    author = "Shubham Toshniwal and Patrick Xia and Sam Wiseman and Karen Livescu and Kevin Gimpel",
    booktitle = "CRAC (EMNLP)",
    year = "2021",

    title = {{Learning to Ignore: Long Document Coreference with Bounded Memory Neural Networks}},
    author = "Shubham Toshniwal and Sam Wiseman and Allyson Ettinger and Karen Livescu and Kevin Gimpel",
    booktitle = "EMNLP",
    year = "2020",