> rugby --help
│ shortcuts * Set of base commands combinations. │
│ build * Build targets from Pods project. │
│ use * Use already built binaries instead of sources. │
│ delete * Delete targets from the project. │
│ warmup * Download remote binaries for targets from Pods project. │
│ _test * (Experimental) Analyse and run tests. │
│ rollback * Restore projects state before the last Rugby usage. │
│ plan * Run sequence of Rugby commands. │
│ clear * Delete different Rugby folders. │
│ update * Update Rugby version. │
│ doctor * Heal your wounds after using Rugby (or not). │
│ shell * Run shell command from Rugby. │
│ env * Print Rugby environment. │
│ --version * Show the version. │
│ -h, --help * Show help information. │
Basic | Mixed | Utils |
🏗️ Build | 📍 Shortcuts | 🧼 Clear |
🎯 Use | ⛱️ Umbrella | 📦 Update |
🗑️ Delete | 🏈 Cache | 🚑 Doctor |
🐳 Warmup | 🐚 Shell | |
🧪 Test | 🌍 Env | |
♻️ Rollback |
flowchart LR
S --> A("Basic")
A --> AA(["🏗️ Build"]) -.-> AAA["
Build targets from Pods project
style AA color:#539bf5
click AA "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/build.md" _blank
A --> AB(["🎯 Use"]) -.-> ABA["
Use already built binaries
instead of sources
style AB color:#539bf5
click AB "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/use.md" _blank
A --> AC(["🗑️ Delete"]) -.-> ACA["
Delete targets from the project
style AC color:#539bf5
click AC "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/delete.md" _blank
A --> AD(["🐳 Warmup"]) -.-> ADA["
Download remote binaries
for targets from Pods project
style AD color:#539bf5
click AD "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/warmup.md" _blank
A --> AE(["🧪 Test"]) -.-> AEA["
Analyse and run tests
style AE color:#539bf5
click AE "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/test.md" _blank
A --> AF(["♻️ Rollback"]) -.-> AFA["
Restore projects state
before the last Rugby usage
style AF color:#539bf5
click AF "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/rollback.md" _blank
flowchart LR
A --> B("
📍 Shortcuts
B --> BA("🏈 Cache")
BA --> BAA("
♻️ Rollback
🏗️ Prebuild
🐳 Warmup
🏗️ Build
🎯 Use
B --> BB("
⛱️ Umbrella
BB --> BA
BB --> D
A --> D("✈️ Plan")
D --> DA("
Any combination
of commands
A --> F("🏗️ Build") --> FA("🏗️ Prebuild")
F("🏗️ Build") --> FB("🏗️ Full")
A --> G("🎯 Use")
A --> H("🗑️ Delete")
A --> E("🐳 Warmup")
A --> J("🧪 Test")
A --> K("♻️ Rollback")
click B "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/shortcuts.md" _blank
flowchart TD
S --> A("Mixed")
A --> AA["
📍 Shortcuts (default)<hr>Set of base commands
style AA color:#539bf5
click AA "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/shortcuts.md" _blank
AA --> AAB["
🏈 Cache<hr>Run the build and use commands
style AAB color:#539bf5
click AAB "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/shortcuts/cache.md" _blank
AA --> AAA["
⛱️ Umbrella (default)<hr>Run the plan command
if plans file exists or
run the cache command
style AAA color:#539bf5
click AAA "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/shortcuts/umbrella.md" _blank
AAA --> AB
A --> AB["
✈️ Plan<hr>Run sequence of Rugby commands
style AB color:#539bf5
click AB "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/plan.md" _blank
flowchart LR
S --> A("Utils")
A --> AA(["🧼 Clear"]) -.-> AAA["
Clear modules cache
style AA color:#539bf5
click AA "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/clear.md" _blank
A --> AB(["📦 Update"]) -.-> ABA["
Update Rugby version
style AB color:#539bf5
click AB "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/update.md" _blank
A --> AC(["🚑 Doctor"]) -.-> ACA["
Heal your wounds
after using Rugby (or not)
style AC color:#539bf5
click AC "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/doctor.md" _blank
A --> AE(["🐚 Shell"]) -.-> AEA["
Run shell command from Rugby
style AE color:#539bf5
click AE "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/shell.md" _blank
A --> AF(["🌍 Env"]) -.-> AFA["
Print Rugby environment
style AF color:#539bf5
click AF "https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Rugby/blob/main/Docs/commands-help/env.md" _blank