Sourced: [2015-12-29 Tue]
Capture templates
הבייגל של שרה | Xnet -הבייגל של שרה | Xnet -
Template expansion - The Org Manual - expansion - The Org Manual -
Can’t Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour - Leonard Cohen | Songs, Reviews, Credits, Awards | AllMusicCan’t Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour - Leonard Cohen | Songs, Reviews, Credits, Awards | AllMusic Can’t Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour Note:
Org Capture from External Applications – Computer, Linux and Programming etcOrg Capture from External Applications – Computer, Linux and Programming etc
Introducing Elfeed, an Emacs Web Feed Reader « null programIntroducing Elfeed, an Emacs Web Feed Reader « null program The search buffer
Unlike many other feed readers, Elfeed is oriented around entries – the Atom term for articles – rather than feeds. It cares less about where entries came from and more about listing relevant entries for reading. This listing is the elfeed-search buffer. It looks like this,
This buffer is not necessarily about listing unread or recent entries, it’s a filtered view of all entries in the local Elfeed database. Hence the “search” buffer. Entries are marked with various tags, which play a role in view filtering – the notmuch model. By default, all new entries are tagged unread (customize with elfeed-initial-tags). I’ll cover the filtering syntax shortly.
From the search buffer there are a number of ways to interact with entries. You can select an single entry with the point, or multiple entries at once with a region, and interact with them.
Tan’s Note:
Introducing Elfeed, an Emacs Web Feed Reader « null programIntroducing Elfeed, an Emacs Web Feed Reader « null program Introducing Elfeed, an Emacs Web Feed Reader Tan’s Note:
Org Capture from External Applications – Computer, Linux and Programming etcOrg Capture from External Applications – Computer, Linux and Programming etc Select some text in a website and click on the Boolmarklet you just created. add the “/usr/bin/emacsclient” program if prompted. Tan’s Note: