The program is written in java >1.8 download (required). In order to load real in-game images you need python download (optional) and install oyaml and maybe unitypack. In a commandline or terminal:
$ pip install oyaml
$ pip install unitypack
(maybe add '--user' for non global install)
To run it just download the zip from the 'clone or download'-button on Github.
start.bat runs the jar from build/TUR.jar. (linux/mac can run the same command as in start.bat from a commandline or create a script)
The download is now in the release tab (<- download from here).
There is still a lot of debug prints, but maybe I'll remove them in later versions.
The interface ist (hopefully) pretty straigth forward. You can of course report bugs/ideas here and they might get fixed/added at some point.