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[note! ADS-B Exchange flight history data down until further notice
[note! ADS-B Exchange flight history data down until further notice
[note! ADS-B Exchange flight history data down until further notice
[note! ADS-B Exchange flight history data down until further notice
🇨🇦 #RCMP Pilatus PC-12 fleet via @steffanwatkins
Mark | Common Name | Model Name | Serial Number | icao | Owner Regist. |
C-FMPH | Aerospatiale | AS350 B3 | 3683 | C0213E | 2004-01-12 |
C-FMPP | Aerospatiale | AS350 B3 | 4124 | C02146 | 2006-09-29 |
C-GMPF | Aerospatiale | AS350 B3 | 4229 | C065E4 | 2007-04-20 |
C-FRPQ | Aerospatiale | AS350 B3 | 3636 | C02E7B | 2004-01-13 |
C-GMPN | Aerospatiale | AS350 B3 | 3072 | C065EC | 1998-07-21 |
C-GMPK | Aerospatiale | AS350 B3 | 3923 | C065E9 | 2005-07-05 |
C-FDJB | Airbus | MBB-BK117 D-2 | 20203 | C008D8 | 2019-01-18 |
C-FDTM | Cessna | T206H | T20608476 | C009E7 | 2005-07-08 |
C-GMPR | Cessna | 208 | 20800253 | C065F0 | 2001-05-11 |
C-FDGM | Cessna | U206G | U20606864 | C00895 | 1993-09-14 |
C-FRPH | Cessna | 208B | 208B0377 | C02E72 | 1994-03-29 |
C-GTJN | Cessna | T206H | T20608443 | C077CC | 2004-05-12 |
C-FSWC | Cessna | T206H | T20608438 | C031C7 | 2004-05-12 |
C-FSUJ | Cessna | 208B | 208B0373 | C0319A | 1994-09-16 |
C-GNSE | Cessna | T206H | T20608847 | C068D5 | 2009-04-08 |
C-GMPJ | Dehavilland | DHC-6 SERIES 300 | 534 | C065E8 | 1977-03-31 |
C-GMPT | Eurocopter | EC120B | 1355 | C065F2 | 2005-07-05 |
C-FMPQ | Eurocopter | EC120B | 1533 | C02147 | 2008-06-13 |
C-GMPM | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1011 | C065EB | 2008-07-29 |
C-GMPW | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1336 | C065F5 | 2014-01-21 |
C-GMPV | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1181 | C065F4 | 2010-03-18 |
C-FMPK | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1092 | C02141 | 2009-04-08 |
C-GMPO | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1197 | C065ED | 2010-08-12 |
C-FMPF | Pilatus | PC-12/47 | 768 | C0213C | 2007-08-13 |
C-GMPB | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1304 | C065E0 | 2012-09-06 |
C-GMPY | Pilatus | PC-12/45 | 311 | C065F7 | 2000-12-04 |
C-GMPQ | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1268 | C065EF | 2012-06-29 |
C-GMPX | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1017 | C065F6 | 2008-12-09 |
C-GMPA | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1262 | C065DF | 2011-05-03 |
C-GMPP | Pilatus | PC-12/45 | 374 | C065EE | 2003-08-27 |
C-FMPB | Pilatus | PC-12/45 | 283 | C02138 | 1999-10-21 |
C-GMPE | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1073 | C065E3 | 2008-12-23 |
C-FMPA | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1216 | C02137 | 2010-10-12 |
C-FGMQ | Pilatus | PC-12/47E | 1107 | C01121 | 2009-05-22 |
C-GMPI | QUEST | KODIAK 100 | 100-0047 | C065E7 | 2011-04-14 |
Type | Specifications & Capabilities | # Owned | Location (RCMP Division) |
Pilatus (PC-12) | Fixed wing, single turbo-prop engine, and commuter aircraft that provides a multi-purpose platform (i.e. transports passengers, cargo and aerial surveillance) and is used across Canada. | 16 | K Division x2 V Division A Division x2 O Division (Specter) J Division C Division F Division x2 E Division x2 D Division x3 (1 Specter) G Division |
Cessna (208) | Fixed wing aircraft used for surveillance as well as an amphibious transport aircraft that is capable of operations on land and water. | 3 | C Division E Division x2 |
Cessna (206 & 210) | Fixed wing aircraft with a single piston engine that is mostly used for surveillance purposes | 8 | K Division (206) J Division (206) O Division (206 & 210) C Division (206 & 210) F Division (210) |
Cessna Soloy (U206G) | Fixed wing, turbo shaft single engine aircraft that has enhanced reliability, versatility and performance to the Cessna 206. High performing, it is an extremely quiet aircraft that is used for surveillance. | 1 | E Division |
Eurocopter (AS-350) | Rotary wing aircraft with a single engine, used to access areas without an airstrip and features increased maneuverability. | 7 | E Division x3 K Division O Division J Division C Division |
Eurocopter(EC-120) | Rotary wing aircraft with a single engine that is light and can be used for multi-purposes (i.e. transports passengers, conducts aerial surveillance and search and rescue.) | 2 | E Division x2 |
De Havilland Twin Otter (DHC6-300) | Fixed wing, twin engine aircraft that can operate in Canada's northern climate. Multiple cargo configurations allow for maximum flexibility and utility (i.e. aerial search and rescue, transport passengers and cargo) | 2 | B Division M Division |
Kodiak Quest Float Plane (100) | Fixed wing, single turbo-prop engine amphibious aircraft. Capable of operations on land or water. | 1 | E Division |
Piaggio (P180) | Fixed wing, twin-engine turbo-prop aircraft that can operate at high altitudes (up to 40,000 feet) and has an increased cruise speed (up to 700 km/h). | 1 | A Division |
TOTAL | 41 |
The historical search at flight-data.adsbexchange is currently down until further notice. More Info Here