Jav.land videos detailer and edit PMV video
git clone https://github.com/DARKDEV22/Jav.land-videos
cd Jav.land-videos
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- get video detail from Jav.land website : copy url from any page
from main import JavLandSoup
URL = "https://jav.land/en/genre/pl8e7l.html?page=3"
J = JavLandSoup(URL)
pageVideosDetail = J.videoListsFromMainPage()
# return
[ { name: name of video,
code : video code,
link : link to a single video page,
coverImage : link of cover image},
- download video from any page
from main import VideoStuff
D = VideoStuff()
L = J.videoListsFromMainPage()
dir = "videos"
os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
for video in L :
detail = J.getVideoDetail(video)
if detail['sampleVideo'] != "---" and len(detail['cast']) == 1:
D.downloadVideo(detail['sampleVideo'], dest=f"{dir}/{detail['code']}.mp4")
with open(f"{dir}/desc.txt", "a+") as f :
- split all videos
filePath = [os.path.join(dir, name) for name in os.listdir(dir) if name.endswith("mp4")]
for path in filePath :
D.splitVideoClip(path, start_at=5, duration_split=10)
- combine videos
folderPath = [os.path.join(dir, name) for name in os.listdir(dir) if not name.endswith("mp4") and not name.endswith("txt")]
combined_dir = "combined"
os.makedirs(combined_dir, exist_ok=True)
D.combineClip(folderPath, dest=f"{combined_dir}/combined.mp4")
- or combine with split screen with one long video
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, clips_array
clip = VideoFileClip(f'{combined_dir}/combined.mp4')
timePerWindow = int(clip.end / 4)
w1 = clip.subclip(0, timePerWindow)
w2 = clip.subclip(timePerWindow, timePerWindow*2)
w3 = clip.subclip(timePerWindow*2, timePerWindow*3)
w4 = clip.subclip(timePerWindow*3, timePerWindow*4)
final = clips_array([
[w1, w2],
[w3, w4]
- or 4 videos
v = VideoStuff()
v.stackVID(["v1.mp4", "v2.mp4", "v3.mp4", "v4.mp4"])
and more
- add audio
- add clip speed