These are some of the files I use with vim. They are not compatible with vim versions before 8
this is the quickest way to install these files
# these bits backup your current vim files and get them out of the way
# skip if you don't have a config or have removed your own
mv .vim vimfilesbackup
mv .vimrc vimfilesbackup/vimrcbck
mv .gvimrc vimfilesbackup/gvimrcbck
# once we're clear, we can download and link my vimfiles
git clone git:// ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
I write Ruby on Rails these days, and use VSCode pretty much daily. I use this for the odd personal project
- Ben Hamill for teaching me how to update submodules in cloned repos properly
- Sara Bobo for actually getting me to update my vimfilesg