Bootstrap files based on : Phaser+ES6+Webpack
# Install the dependencies. Docker will pull the node image automagically
docker run -w /src -v $(pwd):/src node:9.4 npm install
# Run it, the app is now available on localhost:3000 and autoreloads on changes
docker run -w /src -v $(pwd):/src -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 node:9.4 npm run dev
set the environment var BUILD_DEV=true
when running webpack.
You'll need to install a few things before you have a working copy of the project.
Navigate into your workspace directory.
git clone
Navigate to the cloned repo's directory.
npm install
npm run dev
This will run a server so you can run the game in a browser. It will also start a watch process, so you can change the source and the process will recompile and refresh the browser automatically.
To run the game, open your browser and enter http://localhost:3000 into the address bar.
Before pushing to the remote repository, make sure to run:
npm test
This will parse the code with ESlint. Please fix all errors before pushing to the remote because this will break the build on TravisCI.
It's a good idea to run these tests before commiting ;)
npm run deploy
This will optimize and minimize the compiled bundle.
Make sure to uncomment the cordova.js file in the src/index.html and to update config.xml with your informations. (name/description...)
More informations about the cordova configuration:
There is 3 platforms actually tested and supported :
- browser
- ios
- android
First run (ios example):
npm run cordova
cordova platform add ios
cordova run ios
Update (ios example):
npm run cordova
cordova platform update ios
cordova run ios
This will optimize and minimize the compiled bundle.