Wechaty VoteOut Plugin can help you to have a vote and kick-out feature for you room.
npm install wechaty-voteout --save
$ vim mybot.js
import { Wechaty } from 'wechaty';
import { VoteOut } from 'wechaty-voteout';
const bot = Wechaty.instance();
bot.use(VoteOut({ /* options */ }))
.on('scan', (url, code) => console.log(`Scan QR Code to login: ${code}\n${url}`))
.on('login', user => console.log(`User ${user} logged in`))
node mybot.js
// Which room(s) you want the bot to work with.
// Can be a RegExp (for topic) or a function (filter room instance)
// E.g. room: function (room) { room.topic().indexOf('我的') > -1 }
room: [/Room Topic 1/i, 'room_id@chatroom'],
// When the people reach the target, then means (s)he has been voted out.
threshold: 3,
// Who never be kicked-out by voting.
// RegExp for contact name, string for contact id
whitelist: [],
// Different puppet get different sign
// We run more cases to see what sign it is, and update the comment here.
downEmoji: [
'<img class="qqemoji qqemoji80" text="[弱]_web" src="/zh_CN/htmledition/v2/images/spacer.gif" />',
// Warn template, set to falsy to disable the warn message
warn: [
'可能是因为你的聊天内容不当导致被用户投票,当前票数为 {{ downNum }},当天累计票数达到 {{ threshold }} 时,你将被请出此群。',
// Kick-out template, set to falsy to disable the message.
kick: '经 {{ voters }} 几人投票,你即将离开此群。',
repeat: '你已经投票过 {{ votee }} 了,无需再投。',
- ES Module enabled
- Enhancing the
for plugin. - Refactored the source code to use the helper functions from
Converted to TypeScript with DevOps by @huan
First version by @gcaufy