This tool that allows you to rapidly choose a specific window directly without having to use the mouse or directional keyboard navigation.
Thanks to cairo, it should work on all kinds of screens and automatically display at the correct size according to your DPI.
On Arch Linux: Get it from AUR
With Cargo: cargo install --features i3 wmfocus
Draw labels on the upper-left corner of all windows:
Completely fill out windows and draw the label in the middle (try it with transparency!):
wmfocus --fill
Use a different font (as provided by fontconfig):
wmfocus -f "Droid Sans":100
Change up the default colors:
wmfocus --textcolor red --textcoloralt "#eeeeee" --bgcolor "rgba(50, 50, 200, 0.5)"
wmfocus will make use of a compositor to get real transparency.
wmfocus 1.1.5
Sven-Hendrik Haase <[email protected]>
wmfocus [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
--fill Completely fill out windows
-h, --help Prints help information
-p, --printonly Print the window id only but don't change focus
-V, --version Prints version information
--textcolor <text_color> Text color (CSS notation) [default: #dddddd]
--textcoloralt <text_color_alt> Text color alternate (CSS notation) [default: #666666]
--bgcolor <bg_color> Background color (CSS notation) [default: rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.9)]
--halign <horizontal_align> Horizontal alignment of the box inside the window [default: left] [possible
values: left, center, right]
--valign <vertical_align> Vertical alignment of the box inside the window [default: top] [possible
values: top, center, bottom]
-f, --font <font> Use a specific TrueType font with this format: family:size [default: Mono:72]
-c, --chars <hint_chars> Define a set of possbile values to use as hint characters [default:
-m, --margin <margin> Add an additional margin around the text box (value is a factor of the box
size) [default: 0.2]
-o, --offset <offset> Offset box from edge of window (x,y) [default: 0,0]
If there's some funky stuff, you can try to track it down by running wmfocus
with RUST_LOG=trace
RUST_LOG=trace wmfocus
This will print quite some useful debugging info.
You need to have recent versions of rust
, cargo
, xcb-util-keysyms
, libxkbcommon-x11
and cairo
Then, just clone it like usual and cargo run
to get output:
git clone
cd wmfocus
cargo run --features i3
While this tool is window manager-independent, an implementation for your favorite window manager might not yet be available. Current support:
- i3
- sway (partial, accepting PRs)
If you want to implement support for more window managers, have a look at the i3 implementation.
This tool is heavily inspired by i3-easyfocus.
This is mostly a note for me on how to release this thing:
cargo release --dry-run
cargo release
- Release will automatically be deployed by Github Actions.
- Update AUR package.