- Herd Behavior is commonly used in Financial Markets to predict uncertainty.
- Common Models : Econometrics Regression and Time Series
- Research Value : Very Rarely applied in the Covid-19 Mobility case but Human behavior uncertainty affects the policy effectiveness
- Baseline Model : Bayesian Ridge Regression
- The dataset was based on 230 keywords related to the topic of COVID, and a total of 1 million blogs were collected from 1 January 2020 to 20 February 2020. THis includes sentiments : 1 (positive), 0 (neutral) and -1 (negative) (数据集依据与“新冠肺炎”相关的230个主题关键词进行数据采集,抓取了2020年1月1日—2020年2月20日期间共计100万条微博数据,并对其中10万条数据进行人工标注,标注分为三类,分别为:1(积极),0(中性)和-1(消极))
- 评价指标 Evaluation Matrix: Macro-F1 score
- Preprocessing:tokenisation, remove duplicate, remove similar words
- Machine Learning Model: Naive Bayes, Logistic regression -> result F1 score : 0.74
- Deep Learning Model:RNN (RNN+LSTM), CNN