The Mixin BFT-DAG network reference implementation, the Trusted Execution Environment is not integrated into this repository yet.
Install golang and setup GOPATH
following this guide
$ git clone
$ cd mixin
$ go build
The mixin
command is both the kernel node and tools to communicate with the node RPC interface.
$ mixin
mixin - A free, lightning fast and decentralized network for transferring digital assets.
mixin [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
kernel, k Start the Mixin Kernel daemon
clone Clone a graph to initialize the kernel
setuptestnet Setup the test nodes and genesis
createaddress Create a new Mixin address
decodeaddress Decode an address as public view key and public spend key
decodesignature Decode a signature
decryptghostkey Decrypt a ghost key with the private view key
updateheadreference Update the cache round external reference, never use it unless agree by other nodes
removegraphentries Remove data entries by prefix from the graph data storage
validategraphentries Validate transaction hash integration
signrawtransaction Sign a JSON encoded transaction
sendrawtransaction Broadcast a hex encoded signed raw transaction
decoderawtransaction Decode a raw transaction as JSON
buildnodepledgetransaction Build the transaction to pledge a node
buildnodecanceltransaction Build the transaction to cancel a pledging node
decodenodepledgetransaction Decode the extra info of a pledge transaction
getroundlink Get the latest link between two nodes
getroundbynumber Get a specific round
getroundbyhash Get a specific round
listsnapshots List finalized snapshots
getsnapshot Get the snapshot by hash
gettransaction Get the finalized transaction by hash
getcachetransaction Get the transaction in cache by hash
getutxo Get the UTXO by hash and index
listmintworks List mint works
listmintdistributions List mint distributions
listallnodes List all nodes ever existed
getinfo Get info from the node
dumpgraphhead Dump the graph head
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--node value, -n value the node RPC endpoint (default: "")
--dir value, -d value the data directory
--time print the runtime (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
Mixin Kernel address are a pair of ed25519 keys, following the CryptoNote protocol. To create a new address use the createaddress
$ mixin createaddress
address: XINJkpCdwVk3qFqmS3AAAoTmC5Gm2fR3iRF7Rtt7hayuaLXNrtztS3LGPSxTmq5KQh3KJ2qYXYE5a9w8BWXhZAdsJKXqcvUr
view key: 568302b687a2fa3e8853ff35d99ffdf3817b98170de7b51e43d0dcf4fe30470f
spend key: 7c2b5c97278ed371d75610cccd9681af31b0d99be4adc2d66983f3c455fc9702
Share the address
to receive assets from other Mixin Kernel addresses, and keep view key
and spend key
privately and securely.
Both the view key
and spend key
are required to spend the assets received from others, and the view key
itself is sufficient to decode and view all the transactions sent to address
Basic Mixin Kernel transaction is similar to the transaction in Bitcoin, with following format.
"version": 5,
"asset": "a99c2e0e2b1da4d648755ef19bd95139acbbe6564cfb06dec7cd34931ca72cdc",
"extra": "34366362393932382d653636632d343966392d386165632d366462366137346666663638",
"outputs": [
"type": 0,
"amount": "115.06849309",
"script": "fffe01",
"accounts": [
"inputs": [
"hash": "20001842d6eff5129c11f7c053bf1209f0267bf223f1681c9cb9d19fc773a692",
"index": 11
This is the same UTXO model used in Bitcoin, but with different field names. Among them version
, type
and script
should not be modified unless you know some advanced topics.
Compact the raw transaction JSON and sign it with the private view and spend key as following.
$ mixin -n mixin-node:8239 signrawtransaction \
-key 0d48c96d383d325a97eea5295cbf3afa7766c49db477b68fd8032ff7f59b0b00d77e434f96f3f42c2d1796662c7cc90497feaf3863a5815f27ba49fd5e29b906 \
-raw '{"version":5,"asset":"a99c2e0e2b1da4d648755ef19bd95139acbbe6564cfb06dec7cd34931ca72cdc","extra":"34366362393932382d653636632d343966392d386165632d366462366137346666663638","outputs":[{"type":0,"amount":"115.06849309","script":"fffe01","accounts":["XINPXu5NBXszhpZDRJ8iA26TbQ2oWTSq1tXqKKeVeYWgLSz8yXGTtVhMogynYytoMewYVFR541wauLhy1YV33zg445E49YA7"]}],"inputs":[{"hash":"20001842d6eff5129c11f7c053bf1209f0267bf223f1681c9cb9d19fc773a692","index":11}]}'
To start a node, create a directory mixin
for the config and network data files, then put the genesis.json, nodes.json and config.toml files in it.
The main net genesis.json, nodes.json and an example config.example.toml files can be obtained from here, you only need to put your own signer spend key in the config.toml file.
Changing the consensus-only
option to false
will allow the node to start in archive mode, which syncs all the graph data.
$ mixin help kernel
mixin kernel - Start the Mixin Kernel daemon
mixin kernel [command options] [arguments...]
--dir value, -d value the data directory
--port value, -p value the peer port to listen (default: 7239)
This will set up a minimum local test net, with all nodes in a single device.
$ mixin setuptestnet
network: 331c1956ffb45db8a61d30a2a16e3eb0a263b844a6781253acaa07dc4ad555a8
custodian: XINVo9oZLCzQc39QuhcmApzN23s2RjnMfABrbZvGPsB74SsYqhCYLFsXSULrLs4rokgGXNY5oUZvVm7ZQgHzBv7PPPRW7kFm
view key: 95974a5f8b90d685527f246605e13968dc73f3bc9a72e6db23128220a6579e08
spend key: 109c54394e977d46c2c6385faf05b4a25024ddb476588529b889f6d71912ab0b
The output above indicates the network id and default custodian key for the test net. The custodian key should be kept well for future deposit of the test net.
To boot the test net, just launch the node with each configuration directory.
$ mixin kernel -dir /tmp/mixin-6861
$ mixin kernel -dir /tmp/mixin-6862
$ mixin kernel -dir /tmp/mixin-6863
$ mixin kernel -dir /tmp/mixin-6864
$ mixin kernel -dir /tmp/mixin-6865
$ mixin kernel -dir /tmp/mixin-6866
$ mixin kernel -dir /tmp/mixin-6867
Then we can generate a test address and deposit some money into the address.
$ mixin createaddress
address: XINBpBaDKtcu5SBuuqE1pwMrdeFvyCwFChdjLS23ewKdoLbURL4iJYCXLvsXP1nVbB3CGRbWg6UgVH8AWVgjSgmenMsrgpRY
view key: be25d97ba8eb80336998facfb033f71713f9c1cabdc417478f831c749fcd9001
spend key: 5189b286e5717ea36435a29dfb1aaddebad5e216b05e8b4de59693dfb9fe1f06
$ mixin signcustodiandeposit -custodian CUSODIANPRIVATEVIEWPRIVATESPEND \
-receiver XINBpBaDKtcu5SBuuqE1pwMrdeFvyCwFChdjLS23ewKdoLbURL4iJYCXLvsXP1nVbB3CGRbWg6UgVH8AWVgjSgmenMsrgpRY \
-asset a99c2e0e2b1da4d648755ef19bd95139acbbe6564cfb06dec7cd34931ca72cdc \
-chain 8dd50817c082cdcdd6f167514928767a4b52426997bd6d4930eca101c5ff8a27 \
-asset_key 0xa974c709cfb4566686553a20790685a47aceaa33 \
-transaction 0x13f805f2593c59becd0b89673390249415f833fc9c821288f69cce5e7c6eb09f \
-index 0 \
-amount 100.123
$ mixin -n sendrawtransaction -raw 77770005a99c2e0e2b1da4d648...3c6cfb57f8cd1830c