OpenMage is more then just bugfixes and occessionally new Features.
There are Expectations, Goals, Plans, Processes. And as OpenMage is a community project, these should be decided actively by the community.
Fill in and edit the template with your own proposal.
Submit a PR to the repo
getting it merged by having 3 other supporters / If its at least 2 Months old, no strong arguments against it, Drafts can be merged by having 1 supporter among the ones with merge permissions
working on it, till it is ready to be proposed
getting it moved into proposed state again by having 3 supporters
give the proposal a number
start a PR moving it into the accepted state
- the PR has to stay open for at least 60 Days
- minimum 10 Votes
- having at least 70% accepting votes
- nodeJS/Javascript
- Rust