This project involves development and configuration of cloud-based data collection, analysis and visualization pipeline as well as mobile web application. See more details about the project here!
Analysis and visualization pipeline is implemented via PostgreSQL/PostGIS and OpenLayers/VueLayers/D3.js.
The web application backend uses the Django Rest Framework, accessible through a NGINX server, to serve data extracted from a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database. The web application frontend accesses and displays the data using OpenLayers/VueLayers and D3.js, which are wrapped in a Vue/Quasar user interface. OpenLayers/VueLayers also accesses OpenStreetMap and MapBox tile map services. The entire web application is packaged into containers using Docker, for easy transport to cloud services such as AWS.
Lassaress web server can be hosted on AWS for development purposes by using the Cloud Formation file: pfiCloudFormation.json User is prompted to provide following information:
- MBTOKEN - Map Box Token
- CLIENTID - Auth0 Client ID
- AUTH0DOMAIN - Auth0 Domain
- APIIDENTIFIER - Auth0 API Identifier
- Clone the git repo as root user:
git clone
cd /root/lassares
- Run the start script
- MBTOKEN - Map Box Token
- CLIENTID - Auth0 Client ID
- AUTH0DOMAIN - Auth0 Domain
- APIIDENTIFIER - Auth0 API Identifier