Swift wrapper for CRoaring (a C/C++ implementation at https://github.com/RoaringBitmap/CRoaring)
Roaring bitmaps are used by several important systems:
- Apache Lucene and derivative systems such as Solr and Elastic,
- Metamarkets' Druid,
- Apache Spark,
- Netflix Atlas,
- LinkedIn Pinot,
- OpenSearchServer,
- Cloud Torrent,
- Whoosh,
- Pilosa,
- Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS),
- eBay's Apache Kylin.
Roaring bitmaps are found to work well in many important applications:
Use Roaring for bitmap compression whenever possible. Do not use other bitmap compression methods (Wang et al., SIGMOD 2017)
Swift 4.0 or higher
Create a directory where you will create your application:
mkdir foo
cd foo
swift package init --type executable
Then edit Package.swift
so that it reads something like this:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "foo",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/RoaringBitmap/SwiftRoaring", from: "0.0.1")
targets: [
name: "foo",
dependencies: ["SwiftRoaring"]),
Edit main.swift
(in Sources) so that it looks something like this :
import SwiftRoaring;
Here is a simplified but complete example:
import SwiftRoaring
//Create a new Roaring Bitmap
let bitmap = RoaringBitmap()
//Example: Add Range
bitmap.addRange(min: 0, max: 500)
//Example: copy
let cpy = bitmap.copy()
//Example: Operators
let and = bitmap && cpy
//Example: Iterate
for i in bitmap {
//See documentation for more functionalities!
You can build using Swift Package Manager as follows:
swift build --configuration release
To find where the library is built, type the following in your shell:
echo $(swift build --configuration release --show-bin-path)
You can run tests using Swift Package Manager as follows:
swift test
$ swift build --configuration release
$ swift repl -I .build/release -L .build/release -lSwiftRoaringDynamic
1> import SwiftRoaring
2> let bitmap = RoaringBitmap()
3> bitmap.add(1)
4> for i in bitmap {
You can read bitmaps in Go, Java, C, C++ that have been serialized in Java, C, C++.
- Daniel Lemire, Owen Kaser, Nathan Kurz, Luca Deri, Chris O'Hara, François Saint-Jacques, Gregory Ssi-Yan-Kai, Software: Practice and Experience Volume 48, Issue 4 April 2018 Pages 867-895 arXiv:1709.07821
- Samy Chambi, Daniel Lemire, Owen Kaser, Robert Godin, Better bitmap performance with Roaring bitmaps, Software: Practice and Experience Volume 46, Issue 5, pages 709–719, May 2016 http://arxiv.org/abs/1402.6407 This paper used data from http://lemire.me/data/realroaring2014.html
- Daniel Lemire, Gregory Ssi-Yan-Kai, Owen Kaser, Consistently faster and smaller compressed bitmaps with Roaring, Software: Practice and Experience Volume 46, Issue 11, pages 1547-1569, November 2016 http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.06549