ReadersStash is a social media app to share ideas from books, articles & podcasts.
Frontend: React, Redux, Typescript, GraphQL (Apollo client) & styled-components
Backend: GraphQL (Apollo Server), MongoDB, mongoose, Cloudinary, flexsearch, jsonwebtoken & bcrypt
- Create/Delete a Post
- Like and bookmark a post
- Comment on a post, reply to comments
- Share a post
- Explore section to find new people and content
- Near-real-time notifications for likes, comments, replies and follows
- currently uses short polling at a frequency of 5 seconds
- Optimized to avoid redundacy in payload transfer (sends a response payload only if there are any new notifications)
- Get users and posts by search query (done using flexsearch)
- User profile with bio, profile picture, follow/following count, previous posts and liked posts
- Change bio, profile pic and password
- Fully responsive
- Tested for contrast issues
- All interactive elements are keyboard accessible
- Response based polling to avoid redundancy and exponential backoff to avoid spamming the server in case of down time.
- Improve performance by adding infinite scrolling and virtualization
- Twitter – @rohit_dhatrak_
- LinkedIn – /rohitdhatrak
- Other Links – /rohitdhatrak