Selenium Suite - TESTLEAF
1) Webdriver Listeners
2) TestNG
3) Extent Reports
4) Apache POI
5) PDF Reports
6) Word Report
Earlier Usage:
WebElement eleUserName = locateElement("id", "username");
Now Usage:
WebElement eleUserName = locateElement(Locators.ID, "username");
Earlier Usage:
browserName = "chrome";
Now Usage:
Earlier Usage:
3 methods to select dropdown
Now Usage:
selectDropDown(DropDown.INDEX, eleLogin, 1);
selectDropDown(DropDown.VISIBLETEXT, eleLogin, "values");
New Custom Locators:
- ButtonText
- PartialButtonText
String cellValue = "";
// cellValue = row.getCell(j).getStringCellValue();
CellType cellType = row.getCell(j).getCellTypeEnum();
if (cellType != CellType.STRING) {
cellValue = row.getCell(j).getStringCellValue();
}catch(NullPointerException e){}
data[i-1][j] = cellValue; // add to the data array
- Existing issue fixed
- Word Reports need to be done yet
- TestNg listeners
- POM parallel execution sample
- BDD Reports