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Description: Symmetria provides an intuitive, thorough, and comprehensive framework for interacting with the symmetric group and its elements.
Repository: VascoSch92/symmetria
(Some) Contributions: Creator & Maintainer
Description: An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
Repository: astral-sh/ruff
(Some) Contributions:
- astral-sh/ruff#15980 - Exempt sys.path += ... calls
- astral-sh/ruff#16080 - Correct ordering of arguments in fix for
if-stmt-min-max (PLR1730)
- astral-sh/ruff#15988 - Consider any number of leading underscore for
- astral-sh/ruff#15980 - Exempt sys.path += ... calls
Feature Engine
Description: Feature engineering package with sklearn like functionality.
Repository: feature-engine/feature_engine
(Some) Contributions:
- feature-engine/feature_engine#806 - Implementation of a mean normalization scaling transformer