MiHo is a single and responsive design theme for Hexo. MiHo requires Hexo 3.0 and above, Compatible with mobile browsing; Theme DEMO:MinHow's Blog. 中文文档请查看.
- Responsive
- Concise
- Tags Support & Categories Support
- Googe analytics & Baidu analytics & Cnzz analytics
- Disqus comments & Changyan comments
- Stylus CSS preprocessor
- Local Site Search
- Pagination
- ejs HTML templates
$ git clone https://github.com/WongMinHo/hexo-theme-miho.git themes/miho
cd themes/miho
git pull
Generate site articles static data for in-site search; detailed configuration please check hexo-generator-json-content.
npm install hexo-generator-json-content --save
Change theme field in Hexo root's _config.yml
theme: miho
Modify settings in themes/miho/_config.yml
,Please use it as needed.
# hexo-theme-miho
# https://github.com/wongminho/hexo-theme-miho
# Favicon of your site | 网站icon
favicon: /favicon.ico
# Header
# Keywords of your site | 网站关键字
keywords: MinHow,MinHow's Blog
# Head headline | 头部标题
header_title: MinHow's Blog
# Head description | 头部描述
header_description: 一个专注 WEB 开发的技术博客
# Link to your logo | logo地址
logo: images/logo.png
# Link to your banner_img | 首页banner图地址
banner_img: images/banner.jpg
# Menu setting | 菜单设置
# name: Font Awesome icon | Font Awesome 图标
# title: Home Title | 标题
# url: //minhow.com Url, absolute or relative path | 链接,绝对或相对路径
# target: true Whether to jump out | 是否跳出
title: Home
url: /
target: false
title: Archives
url: /archives
target: false
title: About
url: /about
target: false
# Social setting, use to display social information | 社交设置,用来展示社交信息
# name: Font Awesome icon | Font Awesome 图标
# title: Home Icon title | 图标标题
# url: //minhow.com Url, absolute or relative path | 链接,绝对或相对路径
# target: true Whether to jump out | 是否跳出
title: MinHow
url: //minhow.com
target: true
title: Github
url: //github.com/wongminho
target: true
title: Weibo
url: //weibo.com/WongMinHo
target: true
title: Twitter
url: //twitter.com/huangminhow
target: true
# Content
# Excerpt length | 摘录长度
excerpt_length: 190
# Excerpt link | 摘录链接
excerpt_link: more>>
# New window open link | 新窗口打开文章
open_new_link: false
# Article default cover picture,size:350*150 | 文章默认封面图,尺寸:350*150
cover_picture: images/banner.jpg
# Open background particles | 开启背景粒子
open_bg_particle: true
# Open animation in homepage and head | 开启主页及头部动画
open_animation: true
# Article
# Open toc | 是否开启toc
toc: true
# Open share | 是否开启分享
share: true
# Style customization | 样式定制
# Main color tone | 主色调
main_color: '#0cc'
# Reward | 打赏
# 0-close, 1-All articles are rewarding, 2-Article's md file has reward:true attribute, only reward
# 0-关闭, 1-所有文章均有打赏, 2-文章的md文件里有reward:true属性,才有打赏
status: 1
# 标题
title: 请我吃糖~
# 微信,关闭设为 false
wechat: images/wechat_code.jpg
# 支付宝,关闭设为 false
alipay: images/alipay_code.jpg
# Comments | 评论
# 畅言,输入appid和appkey
changyan_appid: false
changyan_appkey: false
# 友言,输入id
youyan_id: false
# disqus
disqus: false
# gitment https://github.com/imsun/gitment
owner: false #你的 GitHub ID
repo: '' #存储评论的 repo
client_id: '' #client ID
client_secret: '' #client secret
# Analytics | 分析
# 站长分析,输入站点id
cnzz_analytics: false
# 百度分析,输入key值
baidu_analytics: false
# google analytics | google分析
google_analytics: false
# Footer
# Access statistics | “不蒜子”访问量统计
on: true
site_uv: 总访客数:
site_pv: 总访问量:
# Copyright Information | 版权信息
copyright: 2017 MinHow
Article default cover picture,size:350*150, When the article configuration does not have cover_picture display.
cover_picture: images/banner.jpg
Whether to open background particles.
open_bg_particle: true
Whether to open homepage and head animation.
open_animation: true
Google analytics, Baidu analytics and cnzz analytics are supported.
# 站长分析,输入站点id
cnzz_analytics: false
# 百度分析,输入key值
baidu_analytics: false
# google analytics | google分析
google_analytics: false
This theme support both Disqus and Changyan as the third party discussion system.
# 畅言,输入appid和appkey
changyan_appid: false
changyan_appkey: false
# 友言,输入id
youyan_id: false
# disqus
disqus: false
title: Hello World
date: 2017-06-18
categories: First
- First
- Second
cover_picture: /images/banner.jpg
MinHow-This is a summary
<!-- more -->
All kinds of contributions (enhancements, new features, documentation & code improvements, issues & bugs reporting) are welcome.
Open sourced under the GPL v3.0 license.