Avali mod with community additions
Please report issues promptly, using the Issues button at the top of the page.
Download the most recent release's ZIP file from https://github.com/Avali-Triage-Team/Avali/archive/Triage.zip and extract into Starbound/mods. Your folders should look like this:
various folders and files
If you have the know-how to code everything yourself, feel free to make a Fork, make your changes, then make a Pull Request. Chances are I'll take a glance over what you added then just plop it in. Please test your additions before you make the pull request.
1: Download, install, and log into the Github Desktop client
2: Click "Clone to Desktop" on this page
3: The desktop client will start up, and ask where you want to clone the repository to. The default location is fine.
4: After a few minutes, you will have your own copy of the mod to work on. Make whatever changes or additions you desire, then go back into the desktop client and the changed files should be in a list near the left.
5: Fill in a title and a summary for the commit, then click "Commit to master" at the bottom.
6: Return to this page and click the green button near the top that looks like two arrows pointing at the ends of each other.
7: "Base fork" should be this repository (Fevix/Avali), and the Branch should be Master. Head fork should be your own fork (Yourname/Avali), and under most circumstances the "compare" field should be 'Master' as well (Unless you made a branch of your own and would like to submit the pull request from that branch, in which case select the name of that branch from the dropdown menu.)
8: Ensure that there is a green area that reads something along the lines of "Can be merged automatically". If it does, go ahead and make the pull request. (If not, it just means I was too active between when you forked and when you attempted the pull request. Just refork the mod, remake your changes, and try again.).
9: Done! Sounds somewhat complicated, but it's not really once you get the hang of things!