Is a Rainmeter skin that heavily based on Omnimo Skin with fixed issues like weather forcasting and music playing album art.
There is few things you need it to get installed before starting the setup, *Unfortunately it is only applicable on windows machines* all the files and softwares here are Free and Opensource:
- Lively Wallpaper for the live disktop wallpaper
- The Wallpaper I used in the demo (log in required to download)
- another one of my choises
- The wallpapers Gallary
- Rainmeter to install the skin.
- spotify, It's important to download the desktop version not the Win10 store App to get music visualisation work correctly
To download the skin click the button below.
- Step 0: Your Desktop should be completely Empty (Advise you to use win start menue for software shortcuts or use any desktop organiser) and then Change your Wallpaper to Solid Black (you'll know why in comming steps).
- Step 1: Open lively and go to TYPE tab then choose "Lively .zip" then browse the wallpaper you downloaded ealier then setup it from LIBRARY tab. The wallpaper will be applied but it has no control on your taskbar or window frame like native win wallpaper so to control them change the the win wallpaper solid color.
- Step 2: Go to where you downloaded the IreboS and double click to install it and brawallah here it is.
- Extra Steps: To change wheather location and fix the music visualisation follow the sections below.
- Go to weahter panal and right click and choose "change weather location" and follow text file then refresh the skin
To fix it you'll need to follow that link. (It's easy just step by step porcedures).
To make it works with browser install WebNowPlaying extension on your browser with causion because it's kinda buggy and old.
*These features what is execlusive in my skin and isn't in current Omnimo Skin*
And more !!
yes there some bugs in the Skin that you have to consider
- Whether panel is blank:
- That is happening because of two reasons:
- There is not internet connection.
- It's depending on what called HTTPS request so it sometimes happen to reject that request whether for overwhelming requests or anything else so to solve is pretty simple , just exit Rainmeter and wait few seconds and reopen it :)
- That is happening because of two reasons:
- I'm Facing so much Lagging and crashing:
- Unfortunately my skin isn't the friendliest system resources yet, so here is some tips for you for smooth run:
- Turn "use hardware acceleration" from rainmeter sittings and restart it.
- If you're doing heavy stuff like gaming or rendering so use GameMode from rainmeter which is a quick way to disable the skin.
- It's optional for low specs PCs to unload the visiualisation bars or waves because it's the most consuming components in the skin. (right click -> unload skin)
- Layout(1) is more system friendly than layout(2).
- Unfortunately my skin isn't the friendliest system resources yet, so here is some tips for you for smooth run:
- Cover Art stop displaying:
- It wouldn't be a common problem but it could happen , so here how to solve it easily:
- Make sure that your spotify is the spotify software and not the app from win10 store.
- Open the PowerShell and type
spicetify backup apply
- It wouldn't be a common problem but it could happen , so here how to solve it easily:
- Not all components resize when changing the Dpi:
- Actually that is a problem still hasn't been solved yet, so just keep it on the default Dpi.
- Some panels or skins doesn't work correctly:
- Yeah some skins need to Update so pls consider contributing because it is a hard work :)
These are the fonts I use and absolutly you can use your own:
- Lato for Regular fonts
- Glacial for Bold fonts
- Open Sans Condensed for light fonts
You've just scratched the surfuce of the skin with that with the skin for while and right and middle click stuff ;)
and if you faced any issues that didn't mentioned above just consider report it on issues report page
There is vary ways to contribute to this project whether financially or by contributing in the code and adding new features by reporting the issuies ,or forking and make a Pull request and nerdy stuff.
- Absolute Thanx to Omnimo/fediaFedia for making like that amazing skin possible.
- Lively Wallpaper/Dani John Who made that amazing FOSS wallpaper engin
- monstercat visualiser/MarcoPixel Who made the music visualiser that great
- OceanSkin/alatsombath thanks for the awesome wavy skin
- WebNowPlaying plugin/Tjhrulz Made an amazing plugin for getting music info