- Documentation Please Contribute! github.com/opendevshop/documentation
- Chat on Gitter: gitter.im/opendevshop/devshop
- Issue Queue on GitHub: github.com/opendevshop/devshop/issues
- Development Information Developer documentation will walk you through contributing to DevShop.
- OpenDevShop.com: Company website.
- Follow us on Twitter
Version | Status | Aegir | Hosts | Status |
1.x | Stable | 3.x | D6, D7, D8 |
DevShop is a "cloud hosting" system for Drupal. DevShop makes it easy to host, develop, test, and update drupal sites. It provides a front-end built in Drupal (Devmaster) and a back-end built with Drush, Symfony, and Ansible.
DevShop deploys your sites using git, and allows you to create unlimited environments for each site. DevShop makes it very easy to deploy any branch or tag to each environment
Code is deployed on push to your git repo automatically. Data (the database and files) can be deployed between environments. Run the built-in hooks whenever code or data is deployed, or write your own.
DevShop utilizes the main components of the Aegir Hosting System: Hosting and Provision. It does not use Hostmaster; it uses its own installation profile, Devmaster. It does not use the theme, Eldir. The default DevShop theme is called Boots and is included in the Devmaster install profile.
DevShop uses many additional contributed modules that Aegir core does not.
OpenDevShop Inc is a founding member of the Aegir Cooperative. Lead DevShop developer Jon Pugh is a core Aegir maintainer.
See aegir.coop for more information.
See the Tour section of the documentation for a quick walk-through of the DevShop interface.
- Bug reports and feature requests should be reported in the DevShop Issue Queue.
- Ask for help in the Chat Room.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]
For the full list of Backers and Sponsors, see BACKERS.md
DevShop is licensed under GPL v2.
This means any forks of this code must be released as open source and also be licensed under the GPL.
For full documentation on DevShop, visit docs.opendevshop.com or see our git repository github.com/opendevshop/documentation.
Think this can be improved? You can Fork our Documentation on GitHub!