TODO: Project Summary
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- System Context Diagram
- Conceptual Physical Architecture
- Application Components
- Deploying
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See DOL.WHD.Section14c.Web Readme
Project | Description |
DOL.WHD.Section14c.Web | AngularJS front-end |
Project | Description |
DOL.WHD.Section14c.Api | ASP.Net WebAPI REST Services |
DOL.WHD.Section14c.Business | .Net Class Library for business services |
DOL.WHD.Section14c.Business.Test | MSTest Unit Tests |
DOL.WHD.Section14c.Common | .Net Class Libraray for shared coded |
DOL.WHD.Section14c.Domain | .Net Class Libarary for entities |
DOL.WHD.Section14c.DataAccess | .Net Class Libarary for Entity Framework Context |
The PostgreSQL database used to persist user and 14c application data is generated by Entity Framework Code First Data Migration using the Npgsql provider. The migration includes all required seed data to run the application.
To estblish an intial System Administrator user account the database migration seeds an account for [email protected]
. By default this accounts password is expired and must be reset at the first login or through the forgot password flow.
The projects AppVeyor builds generates three web deployment artifacts. They can be found in the build under the artifacts tab. As noted in the conceptual deployment model, they can be deployed manually through a IIS Application Import or through the MSDdeploy command. For continuous integration settings through AppVeyor see the appveyor.yml
This package contains the front end Web Application. This is a zip of the WebPack production configuration output found in the /dist folder. It is not a native WebDeploy package but can be used as one as configured in the AppVeyor Continuous Deployment.
All configurations for the Web project are set in the env.js. This file is excluded from Continuous Deployment and should be updated manually if needed.
Setting | Description | Default |
api_url* | Full URL of the REST API Service | http://localhost:3334 (Local develoment URL) |
reCaptchaSiteKey* | reCaptcha Site Key | (Development Key with localhost enabled) |
requireHttps | Use secure cookie | true |
tokenCookieDurationMinutes | Token Cookie Expiration in Minutes | 20160 (14 days to match server AccessTokenExpireTimeSpanMinutes) |
* Must be configured during deployment
This package is a Web the REST Api
The following are setup as WebDeploy parameters and can be set with command line MSDeploy arguments or manually via a IIS MMC WebDeploy Package Import. The parameters are setup to transform their respective values in the Web.config file. An alternate deployment option would be to exclude the Web.config file and set them in an alternate configuration management process.
Setting | Description | Default |
ConnectionString* | PostgreSQL database connection string | No Deployment Default |
ReCaptchaVerfiyUrl* | URL Application uses to verifu reCaptcha server-side | |
ReCaptchaSecretKey* | reCaptcha Secret Key sent with the server-side verification. If this key is not provided the server-side validation will be disabled. | No Deployment Default |
SMTPServer* | SMTP Email Server Address | localhost |
SMTPPort* | SMTP Email Server Port | 25 |
SMTPUserName* | SMTP Email Server User Name | empty |
SMTPPassword* | SMTP Email Server | empty |
EmailFrom* | SMTP Email Server from address | [email protected] |
AttachmentRepositoryRootFolder* | File Path (Local or UNC path) where application attachments should be stored | No Deployment Default |
UserLockoutEnabledByDefault | Enables or Disabled user login attempt lockout | true |
DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan | Minutes to lockout user | 15 |
MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout | Login attempts befer user is locked out | 3 |
PasswordExpirationDays | Number of days before password must be changes | 90 |
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpanMinutes | Token Expiration Minutes for Reset Password and Email Verification Links | 20160 (14 days, Default) |
AllowedFileNamesRegex | Regex for allowed filenames | ^(.*.(doc |
RequireHttps | Require HTTPS for secure communication | true |
* Must be configured during deployment
This artifact contains static files of a ReportGenerator code coverage report for .Net. This is a development artifact and is not needed for production.