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  • Create a Vite + React application
  • Remove unecessary code and create a Hello World app
  • Install Tailwind CSS
  • Install Daisy UI
  • Add NavBar component to App.jsx
  • Create a NavBar.jsx separate Component file
  • Install react router dom
  • Create BrowserRouter > Routes > Route=/ Body > RouteChildren
  • Create an Outlet in your Body Component
  • Create a footer
  • Create a Login Page
  • Install axios
  • CORS - install cors in backend => add middleware to with configurations: orgin, credentials: true
  • Whenever you're making API call so pass axios => { withCredentials: true }
  • install react-redux + @reduxjs/toolkit -
  • configureStore => Provider => createSlice => add reducer to store
  • Add redux devtools in chrome
  • Login and see if your data is coming properly in the store
  • NavBar should update as soon as user logs in
  • Refactor our code to add constants file + create a components folder
  • You should not be access other routes without login
  • If token is not present, redirect user to login page
  • Logout Feature
  • Get the feed and add the feed in th store
  • build the user card on feed
  • Edit Profile Feature
  • Show Toast Message on save of profile
  • New Page - See all my connections
  • New Page - See all my Conenction REquests
  • Feature - Accept/Reject connection request
  • Send/Ignore the user card from the feed
  • Signup New User
  • E2E testing

Body NavBar Route=/ => Feed Route=/login => Login Route=/connetions => Connections Router=/profile => Profile

# Deployment

- Signup on AWS 
- Launch instance
- chmod 400 <secret>.pem
- ssh -i "devTinder-secret.pem" [email protected]
- Install Node version 16.17.0
- Git clone
- Frontend    
    - npm install  -> dependencies install
    - npm run build
    - sudo apt update
    - sudo apt install nginx
    - sudo systemctl start nginx
    - sudo systemctl enable nginx
    - Copy code from dist(build files) to /var/www/html/
    - sudo scp -r dist/* /var/www/html/
    - Enable port :80 of your instance
- Backend
    - updated DB password
    - allowed ec2 instance public IP on mongodb server
    - npm intsall pm2 -g
    - pm2 start npm --name "devTinder-backend" -- start
    - pm2 logs
    - pm2 list, pm2 flush <name> , pm2 stop <name>, pm2 delete <name>
    - config nginx - /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
    - restart nginx - sudo systemctl restart nginx
    - Modify the BASEURL in frontend project to "/api"

Ngxinx config:

    Frontend =
    Backend =

    Domain name = =>

    Frontend =
    Backend = =>

    nginx config : 


    location /api/ {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:7777/;  # Pass the request to the Node.js app
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

Addding a custom Domain name

- purchased domain name from godaddy
- signup on cloudflare & add a new domain name
- change the nameservers on godaddy and point it to cloudflare
- wait for sometime till your nameservers are updated ~15 minutes
- DNS record: A
- Enable SSL for website 

Sending Emails via SES

- Create a IAM user
- Give Access to AmazonSESFullAccess
- Amazon SES: Create an Identity
- Verify your domain name
- Verify an email address identity
- Install AWS SDK - v3 
- Code Example
- Setup SesClient
- Access Credentials should be created in IAm under SecurityCredentials Tab
- Add the credentials to the env file
- Write code for SESClient
- Write code for Sending email address
- Make the email dynamic by passing more params to the run function

Scheduling cron jobs in NodeJS

- Installing node-cron
- Learning about cron expressions syntax -
- Schedule a job
- date-fns
- Find all the unique  email Id who have got connection Request in previous day
- Send Email
- Explore queue mechanim to send bulk emails
- Amazon SES Bulk Emails
- Make sendEmail function dynamic
- bee-queue & bull npm packages

Razorpay Payment Gateway Inegration

- Sign up on Razorpay & complete KYC 
- Cerated a UI for premium page
- Creating an API for create order in backend
- added my key and secret in env file
- Intialized Razorpay in utils
- creating order on Razorpay
- create Schema and model
- saved the order in payments collection
- make the API dynamic
- Setup RRazorpay webhook on your live APi
- Ref -
- Ref -
- Ref -
- Ref -

Real Time Chat using Websocket(

- Build the UI for a chat window on /chat/:targetUserId
- Setup in backend
- npm i
- Setup frontend
- Initialise the chat
- createSocketConnection
- Listen to events
- Homework:  improve the UI
- Homework: Fix Security Bug - auth in web ockets
- Homework: Fix bug - If I'm not fried, then I should not be able to send message
- Homework: feat: Show Green Symbol when online???? - [last Seen 2 hours ago]
- Homework: Limit messages when fetching from DB
- Project Ideas: Tic tac toe game
- Project Idea 2 : Chess


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