Elixir library for DApps development on the NEAR blockchain platform
If available in Hex, the package can be
installed by adding near_api
to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
{:near_api, "~> 0.1"}
# config/config.exs
# Optional configuration of the hackney timeout
# Default value for :near_api is 50 seconds (hackney default value is 5 seconds)
# In case we need to timeout earlier we can configure this here.
config :near_api,
recv_timeout: 50_000,
timeout: 50_000
In order to send token from one NEAR wallet to another NEAR wallet you need to have FullAccess key.
# FullAccess key of the sender account:
public_key = "ed25519:BSKK2pFrGhbYQk14TT1hM3QDTXmg9KYSDSQcEzXrg8UV"
secret_key = "ed25519:zet4EX2cnVpjm3WorqY1yivD5ActGvTwt3aTVaehLrf8gnjFRBfFcta4DBxyLSRhj5RETvmWgJswvA7AaKiwb1P"
account_id = "mintbot.testnet"
key_pair = NearApi.KeyPair.key_pair(public_key, secret_key)
sender_account = NearApi.Account.build_account(account_id, key_pair)
receiver_wallet = "yellowpie.testnet"
amount = NearApi.Helpers.Monetary.near_to_yocto(0.5)
{:ok, result} = NearApi.Account.send_money(sender_account, receiver_wallet, amount)
πNearApi.Account.send_money/3 Livebook
This allows you to call a contract not only in a view mode.
public_key = "ed25519:iyDKRpjoscGsm4xtWzsh6NcaS4ujm3MLGhDw8EjXDsk"
secret_key = "ed25519:5yPGSe9VgCPvunjkoEgkqiNjnxV6Qjq7HveAi8UjWaiA"
account_id = "mintbot2.testnet"
key_pair = NearApi.KeyPair.key_pair(public_key, secret_key)
caller_account = NearApi.Account.build_account(account_id, key_pair)
params = %{
token_id: "unique_id",
receiver_id: caller_account.account_id,
metadata: %{
title: "The title of my NFT",
description: "Really rare picture of the best ape in the world",
media: "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafkreibwqtadnc2sp4dsl2kzd4jzal4dvyj5mlzs2ajsg6dmxlkuv5a65e",
copies: 1
{:ok, result} = NearApi.Contract.call(caller_account, "near_api.mintbot2.testnet", "nft_mint", params)
πNearApi.Contract.call/4 Livebook
This function generates a link that allows you to login with the NEAR protocol to your website. The procedure of loggin in with NEAR is about of granting access to your NEAR wallet to NEAR Smart Contract of your website. Technically, the procedure consists from 3 steps:
- Generate locally a key pair of public and secret keys
- Generate a link to NEAR wallet that adds new public key to the list of keys with limited access to the NEAR Wallet
- Open the NERA Wallet by this link and Grant access by clicking
The function generates link for the :mainnet
, :testnet
and a custom wallet link.
params = %{
contract_id: "nft_test10.mintbot.testnet",
success_url: "https://www.website.com/near/success.html",
failure_url: "https://www.website.com/near/failure.html"
{url, key_pair} = NearApi.Wallet.RequestSignin.build_url(params, :testnet)
Result will be:
public_key: %NearApi.PublicKey{
data: <<93, 89, 16, 163, 44, 246, 170, 100, 163, 6, 123, 243, 32, 158, 119,
134, 76, 122, 84, 240, 111, 237, 43, 233, 200, 67, 29, 195, 112, 118,
251, 105>>,
key_type: 0
secret_key: "88yVfF7tS3weyDpRPQZiTj8BzuF3UaPXEgvtduaiN57b"
- the URL you need to pass the user to click
- the KeyPair, that contains the public_key used in the URL and the private_key, both of these you need to persist to sign transactions you're going to run against the user NEAR Wallet
We used Livebook for API documentation.
To see NEAR API in action please clone this repository and run Livebook locally from your project folder with corresponding .livemd
file loaded.
Retrieve information about an account's access keys.
Near Docs: NEAR API Docs: Access Keys
View details about accounts and contracts as well as perform contract calls.
Near Docs: NEAR API Docs: Accounts / Contracts
πRPC.Accounts Livebook, πRPC.Contracts Livebook
Query the network and get details about specific blocks or chunks.
Near Docs: NEAR API Docs: Block / Chunk
πRPC.Block Livebook, πRPC.Chunk Livebook
Get gas price for a specific block or hash.
Near Docs: NEAR API Docs: Gas
πRPC.Gas Livebook
Retrieve current genesis and protocol configuration.
Near Docs: NEAR API Docs: Protocol
Return status information for nodes and validators.
Near Docs: NEAR API Docs: Network
Send transactions and query their status.
Near Docs: NEAR API Docs: Transactions
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/alexfilatov/near_api.
- Fork
- Create Pull request
Copyright Β© 2021-present Alex Filatov <[email protected]>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/near_api.