Scala wrapper for tinkerpop blueprints, this library provide more scalastic code when working with graph database supported by blueprints.
For installation see install section.
- For Scala 2.10 see
- For Scala 2.9 see
More working and complete examples can be found in specs test.
Creating new vertex:
case class Person(name:String, kind:String)
val hercules = Person("hercules", "demigod")
If your class subclassing from DbObject
you will have more sweet code like using save()
case class Person(name:String, kind:String) extends DbObject
val hercules = Person("hercules", "demigod").save()
The save()
method return a Vertex object, if you want to get class back just:
val herculesObject = hercules.toCC[Person].get
Creating edges:
hercules --> "father" --> jupiter
hercules --> "mother" --> alcmene
Or you can also add multiple edges in one line:
hercules --> "father" --> jupiter --> "father" --> saturn
Creating mutual (both) edges:
jupiter <--> "brother" <--> neptune
Or more complex mutual edges:
jupiter <--> "brother" <--> neptune <--> "brother" <--> pluto
Shorthand property getter and setter:
jupiter.set("kind", "god")
val kind = jupiter.get[String]("kind").get
Getter get
return Option instance, so you can handle unexpected return data efficiently using map:
jupiter.get[String]("kind") map { kind =>
// do with kind here
Or getting value by using default value if empty:
jupiter.getOrElse[String]("status", "live")
Easy getting mutual connection, for example jupiter and pluto is brother both has IN and OUT edges,
is very easy to get mutual connection using mutual
val jupitersBrothers ="brother")
Inspect helpers to print vertex list:
jupitersBrothers.printDump("jupiter brothers:", "name")
// will produce output:
jupiter brothers:
+ neptune
+ pluto
Using Gremlin Pipeline like a boss:
val battled = hercules.pipe.out("battled")
battled.printDump("hercules battled:", "name")
// output:
hercules battled:
+ nemean
+ hydra
+ cerberus
Syntactic sugar filtering on Gremlin Pipeline:
// get monster battled with hercules more than 5 times
val monsters = hercules.pipe.outE("battled").wrap.filter { edge =>
edge.getOrElse[Int]("time", 0).toString.toInt > 5
Returning edges from chain by adding <
on the last line:
var edge = hercules --> "battled" --> hydra <
edge.set("time", 2)
Using transaction:
transact {
hercules --> "father" --> jupiter
hercules --> "mother" --> alcmene
val edge = hercules --> "battled" --> hydra <
edge.set("time", 15)
Want more attributes that not fit for case class constructor parameter?
Use @Persistent
case class City(name:String){
@Persistent var province = "Jakarta" // this attribute will be saved
@Persistent var country = "Indonesia" // this attribute will be saved
val code = 123 // this not
Support inheritance as well:
abstract class City(name:String) {
@Persistent var province = ""
trait Street {
@Persistent var street = ""
trait Code {
@Persistent var postalCode = 0
case class Jakarta extends City("Jakarta") with Street with Code with DbObject
// usage
val address = Jakarta()
address.province = "Jakarta Barat" // this will be saved
address.street = "KS. Tubun" // this will be saved
address.postalCode = 12345 // this will be saved
// getting back
db.getVertex(address.getVertex.getId).toCC[Jakarta] map { adr =>
println(adr.province) // will printed `Jakarta Barat`
println(adr.postalCode) // will printed `12345`
// instantiate to parent class
// this is valid
db.getVertex(address.getVertex.getId).toCC[City] map { adr =>
println(adr.province) // will printed `Jakarta Barat`
// this also valid
db.getVertex(address.getVertex.getId).toCC[Street] map { adr =>
println(adr.street) // will printed `KS. Tubun`
How it work? All you needs is to adding dependency (see install), import it, and summon Graph db instance with implicit:
import com.ansvia.graph.BlueprintsWrapper._
// you can use any graph database that support tinkerpop blueprints
// here is i'm using simple in-memory Tinkergraph db for example.
implicit val db = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph()
//... work here ....
Done, now you can using Scalastic sweet syntactic sugar code.
For Scala 2.11 currently only SNAPSHOT releases available:
"Sonatype repo" at ""
"com.ansvia.graph" %% "blueprints-scala" % "0.1.61-20150416-SNAPSHOT"
[] Robin Sy.