A simple CLI tool to download reddit text posts and comments.
By default, reddit's API has a 1000 post cap on downloads. To get around this I wrote a simple script that queries PushShift to download as many posts as wanted from a subreddit, between a specified time frame.
For this to work, you will need to have Python 3+, PRAW (The Python Reddit API Wrapper) and prawcore (a communication layer used by PRAW) downloaded. These can be downloaded individually using PIP.
If you have PIP already downloaded, you can use the simple command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Git clone this repository, then cd
into the directory to run.
git clone https://github.com/argonautica/redditdownloader.git && cd redditdownloader
As of now, the only way to use RedditDownloader is by running redditdownloader.py. Run it using:
python3 redditdownloader.py
You will be prompted to enter the the name of the subreddit you wish to download from, the start and ending dates that you would like to download from in Unix Timestamp format.
After the download is complete, you will be prompted to enter the name of the file, and it will be saved in .csv format in the /downloaded
- tool does not support video, only images and text