Description: A client has requested that we edit and theme Springboard’s default donation form to match the provided mockup. The donation page should also be responsive and easy to use on mobile devices, but the client is not providing a mockup for this. The project is on a tight timeline and budget, so we must complete the task within 5 hours of development time.
Setup: Fork the github repo and clone the fork into /sites/all/themes. Rename the Bling theme to yourname_bling and make the necessary changes within the theme to incorporate the new name.
Task: Following the comp provided with the theme repo, edit the donation form configuration as needed and update the theme to style the form. The form’s theme and content should match the comp as precisely as possible. Do not worry about the other pages, they will have the stark theme’s CSS applied. Your theme work should be localized to donation-layout.css and page--donation_form.tpl.php or any new files you need to create.
Submission: You may submit your revised theme via a link to your fork of the github repository or as an email attachment. If any changes to the site configuration were necessary in your work, please also provide a database dump.
Evaluation: This challenge will be evaluated on the following merits:
- Visual adherence to the provided comp
- Cross-browser uniformity (IE7-IE10, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
- CSS organization and usage
- Appropriateness of responsive solution
- Time management/prioritization