This package protects the default contact form of Plone which is generally accessible via /contact-info
If you have installed this product, you can go to the Contacformprotection Control Panel
and adjust its settings.
- Provide a checkbox in the controlpanel to disable the form globally
- Add a H/Recaptcha field depending on the installed 3rd party addon
If you have installed plone.formwidget.recaptcha
or plone.formwidget.hcaptcha
it is automatically
added to the form. In case both are installed, you can make a choice in the controlpanel.
You can install the packages by adding the extra_required
to this package:
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.contactformprotection[hcaptcha,recaptcha]
The settings mentioned above are all set in the configuration registry. See
how to set these
values TTW or in a package profile.
Install collective.contactformprotection by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.contactformprotection
and then running bin/buildout
The captcha settings is provided by a zope vocabulary with enhanced term objects:
class CaptchaVocabItem(object): def __init__(self, token, value, widget=None, validator_view=""): self.token = token self.value = value self.widget = widget self.validator_view = validator_view
If you have additional captcha addons or want to override the provided widget and validator view, you can
override the vocabulary utility contactformprotection.captchavocabulary
with your terms.
Peter Mathis, petschki
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code/Documentation:
The project is licensed under the GPLv3.