Course materials for
See the file book/
for book-related details.
Here are the steps to set this up on localhost on a Macintosh using MAMP.
Install MAMP (or similar) using
Check out this repo into a top level folder in htdocs
cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs
git clone
Go into the newly checked out folder and get a copy of Tsugi:
cd cc4e
git clone
Create a database in your SQL server:
CREATE USER 'ltiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ltipassword';
GRANT ALL ON tsugi.* TO 'ltiuser'@'localhost';
CREATE USER 'ltiuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'ltipassword';
GRANT ALL ON tsugi.* TO 'ltiuser'@'';
Still in the tsugi
folder set up config.php:
cp config-dist.php config.php
Edit the config.php file, scroll through and set up all the variables. As you scroll through the file some of the following values are the values I use on my MAMP:
$wwwroot = 'http://localhost:8888/cc4e/tsugi'; // Embedded Tsugi localhost
$CFG->pdo = 'mysql:host=;port=8889;dbname=tsugi'; // MAMP
$CFG->dbuser = 'ltiuser';
$CFG->dbpass = 'ltipassword';
$CFG->adminpw = 'short';
$CFG->apphome = 'http://localhost:8888/cc4e';
$CFG->context_title = "C Programming for Everybody";
$CFG->lessons = $CFG->dirroot.'/../lessons.json';
$CFG->tool_folders = array("admin", "../tools", "../mod");
$CFG->install_folder = $CFG->dirroot.'./../mod'; // Tsugi as a store
$CFG->servicename = 'CC4E';
(Optional) If you want to use Google Login, go to and create an "OAuth Client ID". Make it a "Web Application", give it a name, put the following into "Authorized JavaScript Origins":
And these into Authorized redirect URIs:
Note: You do not need port numbers for either of these values in your Google configuration.
Google will give you a 'client ID' and 'client secret', add them to config.php
as follows:
$CFG->google_client_id = '';
$CFG->google_client_secret = 'R6..snip..29a';
While you are there, you could "Create credentials", select "API
key", and name the key "My Google MAP API Key" and put the API
key into config.php
like the following:
$CFG->google_map_api_key = 'AIza..snip..9e8';
After the above configuration is done, navigate to your application:
It should complain that you have not created tables and suggest you use the Admin console to do that:
It will demand the $CFG->adminpw
from config.php
(above) before
unlocking the admin console. Run the "Upgrade Database" option and
it should create lots of tables in the database and the red warning
message about bad database, should go away.
Alternately, you can create all the databases on the command line using:
cd cc4e/tsugi/admin
php upgrade.php
Keep refreshing the /cc4e/tsugi
page until all the error messages go away.
Once the error messages are gone, the main page should also have no errors.
Go into the database and the lti_key
table, find the row with the key_key
of and put a value in the secret
column - anything will do -
just don't leave it empty or the internal LTI tools will not launch.
You can always test the tools using the "App Store" at:
This allows you to do test launches as the instructor and student in a test environment using the key '12345'.
To compile, run, and autograde code, this site uses Emscripten which compiles C to Web Assembly:
Using this means that we can run student in their browser rather than on the server. This
saves a bunch of compute resources, reliability issues, and security vulnerabilities when
running student code on the server. The code is compiled to WASM and JS using emcc
and then the code is sent to the browser for execution and the ouytput is thenn returned
from the browser.
You need to install the Emscripten compiler. On Ubuntu:
apt install emscripten
On Macintosh:
brew install emscripten
You also need to make a folder /var/www/compile
where the student code will be stored
and compiled and chown it to www-root:
mkdir /var/www/compile
chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/compile
This folder will accumulate student programs and results. You probably want to make a
job to clear out this folder for data more than a week old so it does not grow.
Here are the configuration options to setup the compiler for Ubuntu:
$CFG->setExtension('emcc_path', '/var/www/emsdk/upstream/emscripten/emcc');
$CFG->setExtension('emcc_folder', '/var/www/compile');
$CFG->setExtension('emcc_secret', 'changeme');
On Macintosh:
$CFG->setExtension('emcc_path', '/opt/homebrew/bin/emcc');
$CFG->setExtension('emcc_folder', '/tmp/zap');
$CFG->setExtension('emcc_secret', 'zap');
If you want to debug the Emscripten process, you can add this configuration option:
$CFG->setExtension('emcc_pause', 'true');
Instead of the spinner and flash, the process wqill pause sou you can look at the in-browser code to load and run the WASM and then send the output back to be graded or shown.
Navigate to:
You should click around without logging in and see if things work.
Then log in with your Google account and the UI should change. In particular you should see 'Assignments' and in Lessons you should start seeing LTI autograders.