DDN release 3.6.0
3.6.0 (2020-07-31)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 Fix a bug on get multisignatures/accounts (98ab9c6)
- 🐛 Fix asset extends by adding constructor in chlidren (e4ad3fc)
- 🐛 Fix block fee and a multisignature bug (49043c5)
- 🐛 Fix peerStatus and multisignatures in @ddn/node-sdk (643e38c)
- 🐛 Update @ddn/node-sdk (bf8b8a7)
- 🐛 Update @ddn/node-sdk export messages (96762c7)
- 🎸 Add @ddn/js-sdk for browsers and fix some bugs (2e88d66)
- 🎸 Add dao, dao and evidence transations for @ddn/js-sdk (8bdfc8b)
- 🎸 Add features make @ddn/crypto campatible with browsers (77b85db)
- 🎸 Add getBytes for @ddn/asset-aob and update some apis (a868e66)
- 🎸 Delete bitcore-mnemonic from @ddn/peer and Update aob (722617a)
- 🎸 Seperate config and constants from js-sdk and node-sdk (1d320b8)
- 🎸 Update to make SDK compatible with browser (8dd74fe)
- 🎸 Update transaction fees algorithm (61e172f)
- 💍 Seperate @ddn/test-utils from @ddn/utils (a78127b)
Please download ddn-linux-3.6.0-testnet.tar.gz
and install DDN test network, front-end app (such as Blockchain browser) can use js- SDK ddn.browserify.min.js
, please refer to the document http://docs.ddn.link
请下载 ddn-linux-3.6.1-testnet.tar.gz
安装DDN测试网络节点,前端应用可使用 js-SDK index.browserify.min.js