Canmatrix is a python package to read and write several CAN (Controller Area Network) database formats.
Canmatrix implements a "Python Can Matrix Object" which describes the can-communication and the needed objects (Boardunits, Frames, Signals, Values, ...) Canmatrix also includes two Tools (canconvert and cancompare) for converting and comparing CAN databases.
- Multiple formats automotive related communication matrix file parsing.
- CAN message encoding and decoding.
Supported file formats for import:
.dbc candb / Vector
.dbf Busmaster (open source!)
.kcd kayak (open source!)
.arxml autosar system description
.yaml dump of the python object
.xls(x) excel xls-import, works with .xls-file generated by this lib
.sym peak pcan can description
.xml (fibex or CANopen eds)
.ldf (lin bus)
.odx (diagnostic file)
Supported file formats for export:
.json Canard (open source!)
.arxml (very basic implementation)
.yaml (dump of the python object)
.xml (fibex)
.lua (wireshark script)
Project Homepage:
Chinese Translation / 中文安装方法解释及注意事项
Source Code, Documentation, Examples, Report issues and Any other contributions are extremely appreciated.
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- Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
- Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
- Open a Pull Request
Have Fun,
feel free to contact me for any suggestions