A fresh lemon inspired colorscheme for neovim
Add the following plugin to your init.vim
Plug 'eemed/sitruuna.vim'
and execute PlugInstall
To use the lightline theme set it up in your init.vim
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'sitruuna',
\ }
Determines whether fzf colors are set.
Can be set to 0
or 1
Default: 1
" Don't set fzf colors
let g:sitruuna_fzf = 0
Usage | color hex |
lemon | #FAC03B |
special | #ffb354 |
preproc | #a29bfe |
function | #a3db81 |
foreground | #d1d1d1 |
fg_alt | #a1a1a1 |
statusline | #34373a |
darker | #131515 |
background | #181a1b |
light_bg | #1d2023 |
lighter_bg | #242629 |
comment | #4c5356 |
selection | #2D3032 |
string | #37ad82 |
type | #7398dd |
constant | #ca70d6 |
error | #c15959 |