This is an incremental Markdown (CommonMark with support for extension) parser that integrates well with the Lezer parser system. It does not in fact use the Lezer runtime (that runs LR parsers, and Markdown can't really be parsed that way), but it produces Lezer-style compact syntax trees and consumes fragments of such trees for its incremental parsing.
Note that this only parses the document, producing a data structure
that represents its syntactic form, and doesn't help with outputting
HTML. Also, in order to be single-pass and incremental, it doesn't do
some things that a conforming CommonMark parser is expected to
do—specifically, it doesn't validate link references, so it'll parse
and similar as a link, even if no [b]
reference is
The @codemirror/lang-markdown package integrates this parser with CodeMirror to provide Markdown editor support.
The code is licensed under an MIT license.
parser: MarkdownParser
The default CommonMark parser.
MarkdownParserextends Parser
A Markdown parser configuration.
nodeSet: NodeSet
The parser's syntax node types.
configure(spec: MarkdownExtension) → MarkdownParser
Reconfigure the parser.
parseInline(text: string, offset: number) → Element[]
Parse the given piece of inline text at the given offset, returning an array of
objects representing the inline content.
MarkdownConfig Objects of this type are used to configure the Markdown parser.
props?: readonly NodePropSource[]
Node props to add to the parser's node set.
defineNodes?: readonly (string | NodeSpec)[]
Define new node types for use in parser extensions.
parseBlock?: readonly BlockParser[]
Define additional block parsing logic.
parseInline?: readonly InlineParser[]
Define new inline parsing logic.
remove?: readonly string[]
Remove the named parsers from the configuration.
wrap?: ParseWrapper
Add a parse wrapper (such as a mixed-language parser) to this parser.
MarkdownExtension = MarkdownConfig | readonly MarkdownExtension[]
To make it possible to group extensions together into bigger extensions (such as the Github-flavored Markdown extension), reconfiguration accepts nested arrays of config objects.
parseCode(config: Object) → MarkdownExtension
Create a Markdown extension to enable nested parsing on code blocks and/or embedded HTML.
codeParser?: fn(info: string) → Parser | null
When provided, this will be used to parse the content of code blocks.
is the string after the opening```
marker, or the empty string if there is no such info or this is an indented code block. If there is a parser available for the code, it should return a function that can construct the parse.-
htmlParser?: Parser
The parser used to parse HTML tags (both block and inline).
GFM: MarkdownConfig[]
Extension bundle containing
, andAutolink
Table: MarkdownConfig
This extension provides GFM-style tables, using syntax like this:
| head 1 | head 2 | | --- | --- | | cell 1 | cell 2 |
TaskList: MarkdownConfig
Extension providing GFM-style task list items, where list items can be prefixed with
[ ]
to add a checkbox.
Strikethrough: MarkdownConfig
An extension that implements GFM-style Strikethrough syntax using
Autolink: MarkdownConfig
Extension that implements autolinking for
URLs and email addresses.
Subscript: MarkdownConfig
Extension providing Pandoc-style subscript using
Superscript: MarkdownConfig
Extension providing Pandoc-style superscript using
Emoji: MarkdownConfig
Extension that parses two colons with only letters, underscores, and numbers between them as
The parser can, to a certain extent, be extended to handle additional syntax.
NodeSpec Used in the configuration to define new syntax node types.
name: string
The node's name.
block?: boolean
Should be set to true if this type represents a block node.
composite?: fn(cx: BlockContext, line: Line, value: number) → boolean
If this is a composite block, this should hold a function that, at the start of a new line where that block is active, checks whether the composite block should continue (return value) and optionally adjusts the line's base position and registers nodes for any markers involved in the block's syntax.
style?: Tag | readonly Tag[] | Object<Tag | readonly Tag[]>
Add highlighting tag information for this node. The value of this property may either by a tag or array of tags to assign directly to this node, or an object in the style of
's argument to assign more complicated rules.
BlockContextimplements PartialParse
Block-level parsing functions get access to this context object.
lineStart: number
The start of the current line.
parser: MarkdownParser
The parser configuration used.
depth: number
The number of parent blocks surrounding the current block.
parentType(depth?: number = this.depth - 1) → NodeType
Get the type of the parent block at the given depth. When no depth is passed, return the type of the innermost parent.
nextLine() → boolean
Move to the next input line. This should only be called by (non-composite) block parsers that consume the line directly, or leaf block parser
methods when they consume the current line (and return true).-
peekLine() → string
Retrieve the text of the line after the current one, without actually moving the context's current line forward.
prevLineEnd() → number
The end position of the previous line.
startComposite(type: string, start: number, value?: number = 0)
Start a composite block. Should only be called from block parser functions that return null.
addElement(elt: Element)
Add a block element. Can be called by block parsers.
addLeafElement(leaf: LeafBlock, elt: Element)
Add a block element from a leaf parser. This makes sure any extra composite block markup (such as blockquote markers) inside the block are also added to the syntax tree.
elt(type: string, from: number, to: number, children?: readonly Element[]) → Element
Create an
object to represent some syntax node.
BlockParser Block parsers handle block-level structure. There are three general types of block parsers:
Composite block parsers, which handle things like lists and blockquotes. These define a
method that starts a composite block and returns null when it recognizes its syntax. -
Eager leaf block parsers, used for things like code or HTML blocks. These can unambiguously recognize their content from its first line. They define a
method that, if it recognizes the construct, moves the current line forward to the line beyond the end of the block, add a syntax node for the block, and return true. -
Leaf block parsers that observe a paragraph-like construct as it comes in, and optionally decide to handle it at some point. This is used for "setext" (underlined) headings and link references. These define a
method that checks the first line of the block and returns aLeafBlockParser
object if it wants to observe that block.
name: string
The name of the parser. Can be used by other block parsers to specify precedence.
parse?: fn(cx: BlockContext, line: Line) → boolean | null
The eager parse function, which can look at the block's first line and return
to do nothing,true
if it has parsed (and moved past a block), ornull
if it has started a composite block.-
leaf?: fn(cx: BlockContext, leaf: LeafBlock) → LeafBlockParser | null
A leaf parse function. If no regular parse functions match for a given line, its content will be accumulated for a paragraph-style block. This method can return an object that overrides that style of parsing in some situations.
endLeaf?: fn(cx: BlockContext, line: Line, leaf: LeafBlock) → boolean
Some constructs, such as code blocks or newly started blockquotes, can interrupt paragraphs even without a blank line. If your construct can do this, provide a predicate here that recognizes lines that should end a paragraph (or other non-eager leaf block).
before?: string
When given, this parser will be installed directly before the block parser with the given name. The default configuration defines block parsers with names LinkReference, IndentedCode, FencedCode, Blockquote, HorizontalRule, BulletList, OrderedList, ATXHeading, HTMLBlock, and SetextHeading.
after?: string
When given, the parser will be installed directly after the parser with the given name.
LeafBlockParser Objects that are used to override paragraph-style blocks should conform to this interface.
nextLine(cx: BlockContext, line: Line, leaf: LeafBlock) → boolean
Update the parser's state for the next line, and optionally finish the block. This is not called for the first line (the object is constructed at that line), but for any further lines. When it returns
, the block is finished. It is okay for the function to consume the current line or any subsequent lines when returning true.-
finish(cx: BlockContext, leaf: LeafBlock) → boolean
Called when the block is finished by external circumstances (such as a blank line or the start of another construct). If this parser can handle the block up to its current position, it should finish the block and return true.
Line Data structure used during block-level per-line parsing.
text: string
The line's full text.
baseIndent: number
The base indent provided by the composite contexts (that have been handled so far).
basePos: number
The string position corresponding to the base indent.
pos: number
The position of the next non-whitespace character beyond any list, blockquote, or other composite block markers.
indent: number
The column of the next non-whitespace character.
next: number
The character code of the character after
skipSpace(from: number) → number
Skip whitespace after the given position, return the position of the next non-space character or the end of the line if there's only space after
moveBase(to: number)
Move the line's base position forward to the given position. This should only be called by composite block parsers or markup skipping functions.
moveBaseColumn(indent: number)
Move the line's base position forward to the given column.
addMarker(elt: Element)
Store a composite-block-level marker. Should be called from markup skipping functions when they consume any non-whitespace characters.
countIndent(to: number, from?: number = 0, indent?: number = 0) → number
Find the column position at
, optionally starting at a given position and column.-
findColumn(goal: number) → number
Find the position corresponding to the given column.
LeafBlock Data structure used to accumulate a block's content during leaf block parsing.
InlineContext Inline parsing functions get access to this context, and use it to read the content and emit syntax nodes.
parser: MarkdownParser
The parser that is being used.
text: string
The text of this inline section.
offset: number
The starting offset of the section in the document.
char(pos: number) → number
Get the character code at the given (document-relative) position.
end: number
The position of the end of this inline section.
slice(from: number, to: number) → string
Get a substring of this inline section. Again uses document-relative positions.
addDelimiter(type: DelimiterType, from: number, to: number, open: boolean, close: boolean) → number
Add a delimiter at this given position.
indicate whether this delimiter is opening, closing, or both. Returns the end of the delimiter, for convenient returning from parse functions.-
hasOpenLink: boolean
Returns true when there is an unmatched link or image opening token before the current position.
addElement(elt: Element) → number
Add an inline element. Returns the end of the element.
findOpeningDelimiter(type: DelimiterType) → number | null
Find an opening delimiter of the given type. Returns
if no delimiter is found, or an index that can be passed totakeContent
takeContent(startIndex: number) → Element[]
Remove all inline elements and delimiters starting from the given index (which you should get from
, resolve delimiters inside of them, and return them as an array of elements.-
skipSpace(from: number) → number
Skip space after the given (document) position, returning either the position of the next non-space character or the end of the section.
elt(type: string, from: number, to: number, children?: readonly Element[]) → Element
Create an
for a syntax node.
InlineParser Inline parsers are called for every character of parts of the document that are parsed as inline content.
name: string
This parser's name, which can be used by other parsers to indicate a relative precedence.
parse(cx: InlineContext, next: number, pos: number) → number
The parse function. Gets the next character and its position as arguments. Should return -1 if it doesn't handle the character, or add some element or delimiter and return the end position of the content it parsed if it can.
before?: string
When given, this parser will be installed directly before the parser with the given name. The default configuration defines inline parsers with names Escape, Entity, InlineCode, HTMLTag, Emphasis, HardBreak, Link, and Image. When no
property is given, the parser is added to the end of the list.-
after?: string
When given, the parser will be installed directly after the parser with the given name.
DelimiterType Delimiters are used during inline parsing to store the positions of things that might be delimiters, if another matching delimiter is found. They are identified by objects with these properties.
resolve?: string
If this is given, the delimiter should be matched automatically when a piece of inline content is finished. Such delimiters will be matched with delimiters of the same type according to their open and close properties. When a match is found, the content between the delimiters is wrapped in a node whose name is given by the value of this property.
When this isn't given, you need to match the delimiter eagerly using the
mark?: string
If the delimiter itself should, when matched, create a syntax node, set this to the name of the syntax node.