- Universal Basic Income Currency
- Previous work and other projects
- Economics
- Sybil Resistance
- Consensus
- The E-Passport
- Non-transferable proof of Signature Knowledge
- Address structure
- Transactions
- Blocks
- Possible issues
- Other applications
In current cryptocurrency schemes rewards are distributed to entities that secure the network through proof of work or proof of stake mechanisms, there are no rewards for being part of the network. Current reward mechanisms always result in a very asymmetric value distribution between participants, therefore UBIC proposes a monetary system where all participants are rewarded through a universal basic income.
As of 2020 thousands of cryptocurrencies exist and UBIC is not the first project aiming to implement a UBI distribution. The main difference between non-UBI and UBI cryptocurrencies is for the need to solve the sybil attack.
Some projects like "Duniter" for example have started to create a web of trust that requires users to "verify" each others. While the idea is simple building a secure web of trust is actually rather complex requiring advanced graph theory algorithms and manual verification. Another approach is a Turing-Test for participants - for example simultanous puzzle-solving with "Idena" -, which consumes a lot of lifetime for willing participants while resistance against artificial intelligence is a continous challenge.
UBIC attempts to solve this issue through another approach where the innovation gap is much lower by using the already existent digital features offered by modern Passports.
A currency with unlimited supply is likely to have little to no value. This is why the total supply should be caped to a fixed amount every year. There will be different currencies running on one unique blockchain each currency will be associated to one country and be identified by U + the iso2 country code. UCH will be the currency for Switzerland, UDE for Germany, UAT for Austria and UUK for the UK. A large share of this supply will be equally distributed among addresses that were successfully associated to a passport. This means that if the block supply for UCH the Swiss UBIC currency is 100 units per block and there are 50 registered passports each will get 2 units per block. Some weeks later there are 500 registered passports, the reward will still be 100 units per block or a tiny bit more, now every passport holder will get 0.2 units per block.
The table bellow shows the distribution rates for each UBIC currency.
Currency code | Country | UBI yearly emission rate | additional information |
UCH | Switzerland | 10,196,640 | |
UDE | Germany | 100,599,840 | |
UAT | Austria | 10,617,120 | passports after October 2014 |
UUK | United Kingdom | 79,838,640 | |
UIE | Ireland | 5,781,600 | passports after May 2016 |
UUS | USA | 393,096,240 | |
UAU | Australia | 29,223,360 | |
UCN | China | 1,677,767,760 | |
USE | Sweden | 12,036,240 | |
UFR | France | 81,730,800 | |
UCA | Canada | 44,150,400 | |
UJP | Japan | 154,526,400 | passports after May 2016 |
UTH | Thailand | 81,520,560 | |
UNZ | New Zealand | 5,571,360 | |
UAE | United Arab Emirates | 11,300,400 | |
UFI | Finland | 6,675,120 | |
ULU | Luxemburg | 525,600 | |
USG | Singapore | 6,832,800 | |
UHU | Hungary | 11,931,120 | |
UCZ | Czech Republic | 12,877,200 | |
UMY | Malaysia | 38,684,160 | |
UUA | Ukraine | 54,767,520 | |
USP | Spain | 108,000,000 | passports after July 2016 |
UHK | Hongkong | 17,100,000 | passports after July 2019 |
UIS | Iceland | 420,480 | passports after February 2013 |
UEE | Estonia | 1,681,920 | No registration possible yet |
UMC | Monaco | 52,560 | No registration possible yet |
ULI | Liechtenstein | 52,560 | No registration possible yet |
UBICs ability to resist sybil attacks is based on the security features of modern E-Passports. You can join by scanning your E-Passport via NFC. Your Identity is NOT revealed that way thanks to a Non-transferable proof of Signature Knowledge, there is only a unique hash of your passport stored on the blockchain, explained in more detail further down.
UBIC is currently restricted to be used in 28 countrys that fullfill all security requirements for UBIC to work sybil-proof at the moment. More participants may be able to join as soon as their Country follows more secure technical procedures regarding their E-Passports.
Electronic passports also sometimes known as biometric passports have already been introduced in many countries over the last decade. These passports provide additional security through NFC and Cryptographic technologies making its forgery virtually impossible. The E-Passport is standardized by the DOC9303 paper from the ICAO, therefore all E-passports have to implement a set of required features. There is a little bit of freedom regarding the cryptographic algorithms used, some are not save enough for UBIC yet (for example Hong Kong used 3 as RSA exponent for until June 2019, while UBIC requires a big enough RSA exponent, 65537 or more), this is why not all passports can be used with UBIC.
The key part of the E-Passport is a NFC chip that is embed in it. This chip contains usually 32kb to 64kb of information distributed in several Data Groups.
- Data Group 1 contains the Machine Readable Zone also known as MRZ, it includes information such as the first name, last name, date of birth and the date of expiration.
- Data Group 2 contains the facial image
- Data Group 3 contains the fingerprints, it can only be accessed using something called the Extended Access Control which is only available to governments. Finally the Document Security Object is a PKCS7 file that contains the hash of all the different Data Groups signed using a Document Signing Certificate issued by a government. In the case of UBIC only the Document Security Objects will be read out to generate a non-transferable proof of signature knowledge.
Using NFC technology it is possible to read out passive tags that are up to 10cm away. Theoretically it would be possible to read out a passport through the pocket of someone. However this isn't that easy because of a security feature called Basic Access Control. If it is enabled the passport number, date of birth and date of expiry act like a password and have to be provided to NFC chip to read out the content.
As described by DOC9303, Document Signing Certificate are issued at least once every three months and have a limited signing period after which the private key should be destroyed. This ensures that if one DSC is misused only a limited set of passports needs to be reissued. All DSCs have to be signed by a Country Signing Certificate Authority also known as CSCA.
The Country Signing Certificates are issued by the CSCA, this entity has the highest level of privilege within the governmental Public Key Infrastructure.
The Public Key Directory is a service that provides the Country Signing and Document Signing Certificates. The link to download them is: https://pkddownloadsg.icao.int/ The PKD is not the only source where it is possible to to get those certificates, some governments publish their Country Signing Certificate and the ones of other countries they trust online, DSCs can also be found on passports themselves.
The Non-transferable proof of Signature Knowledge is the key element that allows UBIC to operate by providing a way to decently and securely verify there is a link between an UBIC address and an unknown but genuine passport. It consists in proving the knowledge of a digital signature without revealing it.
Let's be the hash of the passport information,
the elliptic curve point extracted from the signature
On the blockchain will be revealed:
Let's be the hash of the passport information,
the RSA exponent typically
the signature then the solution to prove knowledge of A according to the Guillou-Quisquater protocol is to reveal:
the RSA exponent typically
the hash of the passport information
where d is a 16 bit salted hash derivated from the UBIC public key and r is a cryptographicaly secure random number
such than
Because 1 < d < e and e usually equals to the operation above has to be done several times with different values of d, in fact at least 5 times in the current UBIC implementation.
The operation above has to be repeated for each value of d generated during the proof generation.
An address is a base58 binary and is structured as follows:
<program identifier> <payload length> <payload> <checksum>
1 byte 1-4 bytes x bytes 3 bytes
The program identifier allows UBIC to easily evolve and add new functionalities such as a new Script language for smart contracts.
<program identifier> <payload length> <payload> <checksum>
0x02 0x14 0x23be5a8564ebc151004d798ef812aa25ee7ff79 0x23f234
is the program identifier for pay to hash using ripemd160((sha256(public key))
as hashing.
is the the hexadecimal representation of 20 which is the length of the ripemd160 hash.
is the payload. In this case the hash of the public key.
is the checksum that is obtained by taking the leading 3 bytes from the result of sha256(<program identifier> <payload length> <payload>)
There is no need to have one address for every currency, one single address can receive, hold and send all UBIC currencies.
Transactions can have one or more inputs and zero, one or more outputs. The input values have always to be greater or equal to the output values. The difference between sum(inputs) - sum(outputs) are the transactions fees that are burned which is meant to reduce inflation. A transaction can transfer several currencies at the time. However it is not possible to transform one currency in another.
The standard transaction's structure is as follows:
- network
- txIns
- amount
- inAddress
- nonce
- script
- txOuts
- amount
- script
The network is an uint8_t
field, it ensures that a transaction from the test network cannot be broadcasted on the main one.
The nonce is an uint32_t
field, it ensures that a transaction cannot be replayed multiple times.
The amount field is a map that maps a currency id (uint8_t
) to a currency amount (uint64_t
The script field is a std::vector<unsigned char>
field that is intended to contain a serialized object.
In a scenario where Alice holds 10 UCH and wants to exchange them for 10 UDE from Bob they could build a transaction together for this purpose. Lets 0x17a6 be Alice's address and 0x98b1 Bob's address. Then the transaction having as inputs 0x17a6(10 UCH), 0x98b1(10 UDE) and as outputs 0x17a6(10 UDE), 0x98b1(10 UCH) would serve this purpose.
Blocks are structured the as follows:
- BlockHeader
- version
- headerHash
- previousHeaderHash
- merkleRootHash
- blockHeight
- timestamp
- payout
- payoutRemainder
- ubiReceiverCount
- votes
- issuerPubKey
- issuerSignature
- Transactions
With UBIC there are no miners, instead blocks are validated by delegates. The genesis contains 8 centrally controlled delegates that will support the network in it's early stage. As time goes by new delegates will be added and the genesis delegates will be removed making UBIC truely decentralized. The addition and removal of delegate is regulated through a voting mechanism in which only delegates are allowed to vote. Delegates will be people, companies, nonprofit organizations or any entity capable of running a node and willing to support this project. They will be designated by the community and later be voted by the other delegates. Should a delegate misbehave other delegates are encouraged to revoke it's priviledge by doing an unvote.
For privacy reasons no personal information are transmitted to the blockchain. UBIC assumes that every individual has only one valid passport but this might not be true. Peoples can get a new passport before the old one is expired or claim that it has been stolen. Because Passport revocation lists are not public UBIC assumes that every passport that hasn't reached it's date of expiry is valid. It could be that some individuals end up with 2 or 3 verified addresses but it is unlikely they'll get more. There are some factors that mitigate this risk:
- Genuine passports are worth several thousand dollars on the black market this is why if someone who "loses" his passport too often he or her won't get a new one and will draw attention from law enforcement.
- The fees and the time that is required to get a new passport might outweigh the benefit of receiving additional UBI.
- Governments could issue passport revocation lists. A stolen or lost passport will then immediately stop to receive any additional coins.
Governments might be hostile to the idea of this kind of cryptocurrencies. They could then try to harm it through legislation or hacking. Because they are emitting the Document Signing Certificates they could spam the network with passport registration transaction, this however appears to be unlikely as it will certainly lower their credibility and damage them.
While it is difficult for a non-instutional participant to link an address to an identity, governments that emitted the passport certainly will be able to do so.
Although there are no personal information stored on the blockchain itself, a user could decide to reveal the information contained in the Date Group 1 and/or Data Group 2 to another identity.
Two voting schemes are possible with UBIC, in the first voting is weighted by the currency holdings of the voters like it is already done with many cryptocurrencies. In the second scheme only UBI receiver can vote with each a voting weight of 1, because the country of origin from the voter is known votes can also be country specific.