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⚠️ August 2023: This crate is no longer maintained. See for an actively maintained fork. ⚠️

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Demo cast under Linux Termite with Inconsolata font 12pt

tui-rs is a Rust library to build rich terminal user interfaces and dashboards. It is heavily inspired by the Javascript library blessed-contrib and the Go library termui.

The library supports multiple backends:

The library is based on the principle of immediate rendering with intermediate buffers. This means that at each new frame you should build all widgets that are supposed to be part of the UI. While providing a great flexibility for rich and interactive UI, this may introduce overhead for highly dynamic content. So, the implementation try to minimize the number of ansi escapes sequences generated to draw the updated UI. In practice, given the speed of Rust the overhead rather comes from the terminal emulator than the library itself.

Moreover, the library does not provide any input handling nor any event system and you may rely on the previously cited libraries to achieve such features.

I'm actively looking for help maintaining this crate. See this issue

Rust version requirements

Since version 0.17.0, tui requires rustc version 1.56.1 or greater.


The demo shown in the gif can be run with all available backends.

# crossterm
cargo run --example demo --release -- --tick-rate 200
# termion
cargo run --example demo --no-default-features --features=termion --release -- --tick-rate 200

where tick-rate is the UI refresh rate in ms.

The UI code is in examples/demo/ while the application state is in examples/demo/

If the user interface contains glyphs that are not displayed correctly by your terminal, you may want to run the demo without those symbols:

cargo run --example demo --release -- --tick-rate 200 --enhanced-graphics false


The library comes with the following list of widgets:

Click on each item to see the source of the example. Run the examples with with cargo (e.g. to run the gauge example cargo run --example gauge), and quit by pressing q.

You can run all examples by running cargo make run-examples (require cargo-make that can be installed with cargo install cargo-make).

Third-party widgets

Apps using tui


You might want to checkout Cursive for an alternative solution to build text user interfaces in Rust.
