Simple ruby script to copy and reindex ElasticSearch index, copying index settings and mapping(s).
Progress and time estimation is displayed during the scrolling process.
Ruby 1.8.6 or newer is required, use rvm for convenience.
Following gems are required via Gemfile
- [rest-client] (
- [oj] (
You can install the requirements locally via bundler
$ bundle install --path=.bundle
Refer to script's help:
$ ./es-reindex.rb -h
Script to copy particular ES index including its (re)creation w/options set
and mapping copied.
./es-reindex.rb [-r] [-f <frame>] [source_url/]<index> [destination_url/]<index>
- -r - remove the index in the new location first
- -f - specify frame size to be obtained with one fetch during scrolling
- -u - update existing documents (default: only create non-existing)
- optional source/destination urls default to
- 0.0.8: Optimization in string concat (@nara)
- 0.0.7: Document header arguments
are copied as well - 0.0.6: Document headers in bulks are now assembled and properly JSON dumped
- 0.0.5: Merge fix for trailing slash in urls (@ichinco), formatting cleanup
- 0.0.4: Force create only, update is optional (@pgaertig)
- 0.0.3: Yajl -> Oj
- 0.0.2: repated document count comparison
- 0.0.1: first revision
es-reindex is copyright (c)2012 Jiri Nemecek, and released under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the gory details.