A new cheatsheets theme for Hexo. The design is from devhints
$ git clone https://github.com/glazec/hexo-cheatsheets.git
Modify theme
setting in _config.yml
to hexo-cheatsheets
Disable default code highlight plugin in _config.yml
enable: false
cd themes/hexo-cheatsheets
git pull
favicon: "favicon url"
github: "the link the github button point to"
githubToolTip: "Text displayed when hovering on the github button"
enable: true # whether to open the top
when using tht code block in the markdown, please write the language. Otherwise the highlight will not work. The following example is correct.(Please omit the last dot, thant is a render issue)
favicon: "favicon url"
github: "the link the github button point to"
githubToolTip: "Text displayed when hovering on the github button"
### Three Columns
cd themes/hexo-cheatsheets
git pull
#### Two Columns
cd themes/hexo-cheatsheets
git pull
##### Single Columns
cd themes/hexo-cheatsheets
git pull
### Three Columns
cd themes/hexo-cheatsheets
git pull
###### Secondary Title
cd themes/hexo-cheatsheets
git pull
### Three Columns
cd themes/hexo-cheatsheets
git pull
Hexo [Cheatsheets](https://github.com/glazec/hexo-cheatsheets) Theme
cd themes/hexo-cheatsheets
git pull
> [Cheatsheets](https://github.com/glazec/hexo-cheatsheets)
### References
1. [Hexo](https://hexo.io/) _(hexo.io)_
2. [Hexo Cheatsheets](https://github.com/glazec/hexo-cheatsheets) _(hexo-cheatsheets)_
Must be an ordered list !
### Table
| Shortcut | Description |
| -------- | ------------------- |
| `⌘\` | Toggle tree |
| `⌘⇧\` | Reveal current file |
### Headless Table
| | |
| -------- | ------------------- |
| `⌘\` | Toggle tree |
| `⌘⇧\` | Reveal current file |